@lain like they implemented a custom auth plugin for Dovecot that will auto register an email account on first attempt to login if it doesn't already exist. Boom.
@sun@lain technically you can use any email address from any provider and it will work. But if you want faster chats and push notifications you need a Chatmail server so it can send the push notification on events to Apple/Google (the pushes have zero identifying information about anything, mostly just a ping to wake up app)
@sun@pwm@lain the entire config and deployment can be done with the upstream "cmdeploy" tool which is a custom python thingy that I do not like at all as it isn't flexible enough for some deployments (like behind a NAT, assumes wrong IP, harder to get a cert)
I rewrote their deployment in Chef and I hope to see a tool that will whip up a fat docker container soon with everything configured inside properly. It's also easier to reverse engineer. Very clean now.
@sun@lain@pwm as for maintenance: I have Debian set to auto patch and that's it. I shouldn't need to touch anything ever. Unless somehow I run out of disk space from users swarming my server and their messages getting piled up before the auto-purge-old-messages kicks in (mine's configured for 7 days)
Normal Delta Chat: no messages stored on server at all (except while waiting for client to download them).
after enabling Multi-device Delta Chat for your account: the clients don't delete messages off server automatically after downloading, but let the server purge them on its own schedule as IMAP doesn't have a way to tell which client did what // track their access to emails.
Messages on the server are always encrypted anyway and can't be read by anyone
@lain@pwm@sun although I guess if Delta Chat devs release some new Chatmail feature that needs additional software I'll have to apply those changes to my server to use it. I don't really see anything groundbreaking happening there.
They did an incredible job on their Bots support too. There's an entire framework in Python and a newer one in Rust designed for creating bots. I haven't looked at the Rust one yet but the Python one comes with shell/cli commands already implemented which you can just augment as needed. I thought it would be a pain but you just give it a random email address and password, turn it on, and it works. Because first login attempt registers the account.
I wouldn't want to deal with writing a bot in Elixir as I don't have an appetite for dealing with IMAP/SMTP myself. But you could write it in anything if you really wanted to. No point when they've done so much work for you already though.
@lain one of the "benefits" of being a paid fsf member is use of their XMPP/Jabber server. I don't think it's been updated in 20 years. Doesn't even support encryption.