@sim@HebrideanHecate The media plants this seed in the public's brain so that they get more and more accustomed to the idea and then the next thing you know, a couple of years from now, the public's perception starts to change to accept these sexual criminals and put pressure on their government to lessen prison terms till eventually there are none at all left, not even a slap on the wrist.
@Chronic-Yonic@sim@HebrideanHecate It might be more accurate to say that public perception doesn't change, but what changes is the idea of if it can be said or not. If we think that it's a crime, but we read enough that says it's *settled* that it's a disorder we should be sympathetic towards, then it becomes harder to dissent.
A Swiss LGBT activist has quietly launched a new “family counseling” practice while under investigation for offenses related to sexually exploiting minors at the Queer youth charity he co-founded with his husband. In 2024, Swiss prosecutors opened an investigation into a gay couple for alleged abuses they committed while operating the Sozialwerk.LGBT+ group, a “safe space” for “queer youth.” While their identities were initially withheld by the Swiss press, Reduxx quickly identified the men as being Holger Niggemann and his husband, Björn Niggemann.
The Niggemanns co-founded the organization, receiving financial support from local governments, the city of Chur, and various non-profit foundations to work with children as young as 13. Last April, local media interviewed fifteen individuals who had come into contact with the Niggemann’s through Sozialwerk.LGBT+, but the vast majority opted for anonymity, citing fears of being threatened or pursued by the couple.
“In public child and youth work, it was common for a long time for youth workers to have sexual contact with young people,” one of the Niggemann’s reportedly claimed. “In Berlin, street children were placed with pedophilic offenders until the 1990s because only these people could love children,” he went on to say, referring to the Kentler Project in Germany, an experiment which placed foster children into the homes of pedophiles. Sexuality was apparently a recurring theme in Holger’s approach to youth work. Several individuals report that Sozialwerk.LGBT+ had a “sexualized atmosphere” despite catering to children. The Niggemann’s reportedly often offered teenagers a box full of sex toys like dildos, leather straps, bondage gear, whips, or anal plugs.
@HebrideanHecate@Chronic-Yonic I'm so glad that I didn't get involved in these groups. Always just met LGB people in the wild. Mostly sexuality doesn't come up in person.
@sim@HebrideanHecate There are so many of these perverts, even completely out in the open, I can't believe some people still think oh it's not so bad, really. Every single day, we see some type of story with different sickos involved. The out of the norm situation is to have a day when we don't see any story on this shit. Sometimes, I despair so much, I avoid completely the news.
@Chronic-Yonic@sim@HebrideanHecate Perverts have always been with us. What's new is that perverts can find each other more easily, have found a way of making their fetish into a civil rights movement that needs protection, and have infested so many organisations that they can flaunt it in our faces.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@sim@HebrideanHecate I think perception does change. Just look at how homosexuality was dealt with in the first half of the 1900s, even in the 60s and 70s. Electroshock treatments, conversion therapy through coercive and forced sex with the opposite sex, psychiatric institutions (my mother once threatened to have me institutionalized), the insults and name-calling, homosexuality meant perversion, lesbians lost the right to raise their child if they had comp-het relationships before coming to accept themselves, and the rest. Now I'm sure some people still hold those beliefs against gays, bisexuals and lesbians, but they know they are outnumbered so they keep quiet.
Another example. Women having children out of wedlock and so on.
@Chronic-Yonic@sim@HebrideanHecate You make a great point. Absolutely it does. Public perception usually changes because people don't like unfairness or inequality. Genuine change often starts with legislation, eg the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK in 1967, and then goes on as people meet each other and discover that people are people, regardless of characteristics. Genuine and lasting change takes time and does not coerce. As you say, people will hold the views they do (for a variety of reasons) and they are entitled to do so, even if we might think them misguided. Compelling people to change their views rarely works and sometimes has the effect of making people cling to their views. Open and honest conversations are key.
@Chronic-Yonic@HebrideanHecate@KeepTakingTheSoma And now it is hard to imagine some of those things happening if you never lived through them. I was just learning about what it was like in the 80's, mostly London, too, and things were still rough then. But it is important to pass down this knowledge so that we know about it and don't repeat the mistakes of the past as we were discussing before.
Of course, protecting the criminals under sexuality really does a disservice. It reinforces the idea of perversion, that it leads to protecting child rapists for instance. Something we don't need.
@sim@Chronic-Yonic@HebrideanHecate Slippery slopes are slippery, so I understand why some people use this thinking *we decriminalised homosexuality and now look at the proliferation of child rapists QED* because we don't always join the dots correctly. In this case, the slippery slope was not to do with decriminalising types of consensual adult sexuality, but the conflation of the idea that any form of sexuality was acceptable and therefore to have no criminality attached to anything. This has been reinforced with the creation of sacred castes. So, using the above example, we went from *he's a homosexual so he must be a pervert QED* to *even though he raped a child, you can't prosecute him because he's a homosexual so you must be prejudiced QED.* This is why it is important to establish lines and boundaries that cannot be crossed under any circumstances. Otherwise we will find that in our desire to be seen as progressive, the bad-faith actors will be looking to sneak their criminality under the radar.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Chronic-Yonic@sim@HebrideanHecate This is where issues of class/caste come into play. It's true "people don't like unfairness or inequality" but as long as you can create a separate category of unworthy or more worthy humans the rules of fairness and equality change per class of humans. Marxitards forget that each class (except perhaps the lower castes) believes they are behaving and enforcing a moral standard of fairness. Shitlibs love to hate the nazi/hicks and wish even death on them.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Chronic-Yonic@HebrideanHecate These are great points. We also made homosexuality a sacred caste and now other minority groups are looking at the work done here and are using the same tactics. So that honestly undoes the work done for homosexuality when it is undermined by other groups. Then again, there should be no excuse for criminality... I don't care what sacred caste you are, you don't rape children. How have we reached a point where this is in question? Where our boundaries have been eroded on this? That we aren't allowed to call it out because we're then somehow phobic? No one should accept rape.
@sim@Chronic-Yonic@HebrideanHecate I think it's because many civil rights movements were about dismantling barriers to acceptance. Therefore ( it is reasoned) all societal barriers are *bad* and must be smashed.