@Chronic-Yonic @sim https://reduxx.info/swiss-lgbt-activist-accused-of-sexually-abusing-youth-with-his-husband-launches-new-family-counseling-practice-despite-ongoing-criminal-investigation/
A Swiss LGBT activist has quietly launched a new “family counseling” practice while under investigation for offenses related to sexually exploiting minors at the Queer youth charity he co-founded with his husband. In 2024, Swiss prosecutors opened an investigation into a gay couple for alleged abuses they committed while operating the Sozialwerk.LGBT+ group, a “safe space” for “queer youth.” While their identities were initially withheld by the Swiss press, Reduxx quickly identified the men as being Holger Niggemann and his husband, Björn Niggemann.
The Niggemanns co-founded the organization, receiving financial support from local governments, the city of Chur, and various non-profit foundations to work with children as young as 13. Last April, local media interviewed fifteen individuals who had come into contact with the Niggemann’s through Sozialwerk.LGBT+, but the vast majority opted for anonymity, citing fears of being threatened or pursued by the couple.
“In public child and youth work, it was common for a long time for youth workers to have sexual contact with young people,” one of the Niggemann’s reportedly claimed. “In Berlin, street children were placed with pedophilic offenders until the 1990s because only these people could love children,” he went on to say, referring to the Kentler Project in Germany, an experiment which placed foster children into the homes of pedophiles. Sexuality was apparently a recurring theme in Holger’s approach to youth work. Several individuals report that Sozialwerk.LGBT+ had a “sexualized atmosphere” despite catering to children. The Niggemann’s reportedly often offered teenagers a box full of sex toys like dildos, leather straps, bondage gear, whips, or anal plugs.