@Sherri_Ingrey In the UK, money flowed from taxpayers into hospitals for doing the government's bidding. A friend of mine who works in a UK hospital told me this. The whole business was crony capitalism at its finest. There are still people out there who think it was about healthcare.
@KeepTakingTheSoma Yes, the £66M on the unused Nightingale (Birmingham only) debacle "The Birmingham site, which was opened to great fanfare by Prince William last April, will shut down for good next month, along with six other Nightingales that were built across the country at a total cost of more than £500m." And UNUSED they were still heralded as triumphs FFS, talk about the plebes believing any kind of BS they throw at you.
@Sherri_Ingrey I remember having to explain this at the time to a branch covidian - building a hospital is all very well, but if there are no qualified people to staff it, it's just a big building - and was met with the usual insults about wanting grannies to die etc.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@Sherri_Ingrey Fear is a very powerful motivator. I understand why so many people were terrified. They were stampeded over a cliff. The ones I won't forgive are those who knew what they were doing and the ones who knew but used it to weaponise their empathy.
@Sherri_Ingrey@KeepTakingTheSoma Thankfully my son, partner and kids didn't get any but my sis and her kids all had to for work. Her son and daughter are just fine thankfully, but she's sick as a dog-but that started quite a while after she got the shots and it's almost identical to mine so who knows.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@Sherri_Ingrey I worry about those in my family who took them too. But we must also acknowledge that adults have agency. We make choices and we live with them. The ones that make me angry were the *no jab no job* brigade, especially when they say that *nobody was forced* by which they mean nobody has forcibly held down by armed guards. That's the same argument as saying a woman who was told that she would lose her job if she didn't have sex with the boss wasn't forced.
@Sherri_Ingrey@KeepTakingTheSoma That's insanity. Some even jabbed their babies or got the jab WHILE PREGNANT. It's just sickening.
And instead of making people less susceptible to propaganda, it's made most people even more fearful and gullible with many turning to stupid religions.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@Sherri_Ingrey A lot of harm was done in the name of *safety* and those who knew what they were doing on behalf of the globalists, and said globalists, need to see prison. Especially those who deployed the propaganda. Like you, I'm beyond angry. I really wish that more people could see through propaganda, but that's probably why propaganda works.
@Sherri_Ingrey@KeepTakingTheSoma The "Nightingales" were just Army field hospitals. They were mostly unused because there were no staff to man them. The Army were also used to jab schoolkids in Liverpool. (This was for an illness which we were told didn't affect children). It was a civil defence exercise, to normalise us to seeing the Army on the streets in peacetime.
@RadicalCartoons@Sherri_Ingrey Once they started using the phrase *New Normal* I knew we were in serious trouble. If something needs *normalising* it's probably because it's far from normal.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Sherri_Ingrey No doubt. I sure hope his story eventually hits the msm! HAH!! Look how long it usually takes for any whistle blower to be trusted.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@Sherri_Ingrey When criminals are in charge and can put in prison the people who report their criminality, we are governed by criminals.
@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey I'm not usually in favour of capital punishment. But I do wonder what it will take to stop this parasitic class. I'm leaning towards the stocks. Pour encourager les autres. My friend has offered to supply tomatoes and she might take them out of the tin first.
@polarisera@KeepTakingTheSoma I don't THINK we did this in Canada but I can't seem to find the right words to search it. Remember, BIG country, tiny population
@KeepTakingTheSoma@Sherri_Ingrey Full scrape castration, pee out of tube, and have to carry their frank and beans in a formaldehyde jar around their necks.
@Sherri_Ingrey@polarisera@KeepTakingTheSoma I remember hearing about this then but didn't recall the detais - ChatGpt only covers a few. This is one of the ways they figured out how to launder or divert taxpayers money from actual problems.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada proactively established several field hospitals to prepare for potential surges in patient numbers. Notably, some of these facilities were decommissioned without ever being used for patient care.
For instance, the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) set up a 144-bed field hospital at the Agriplex on the Western Fair Grounds in London, Ontario. This facility was decommissioned in December 2021 without having admitted any patients. LHSC officials noted that while the site wasn't used for patient care, its presence facilitated the rapid establishment of a mass vaccination clinic at the same location.
Similarly, in Edmonton, Alberta, a field hospital constructed at the University of Alberta's Butterdome was dismantled without ever being utilized. Alberta Health Services confirmed in June 2021 that the facility, capable of treating 100 patients, was no longer needed and would be taken down.
These precautionary measures were part of Canada's strategy to ensure healthcare systems were not overwhelmed during the pandemic. The fact that some facilities went unused indicates that existing hospitals managed patient volumes effectively, and the additional capacity, while ultimately unnecessary, provided a safety net during uncertain times.
For a visual overview of field hospitals constructed across Canada during the pandemic, you might find the following video informative:
@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey I think they should also carry some of these things in their hands so they can't hold weapons or devices. All gadgets and games removed completely. Or maybe just remove the hands!??!
Seems like that sorta worked in medieval times, they say???
@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey But doing what? I've seen them along Hwys in Texas and wow, if anything makes a person feel sorry for prisoners. That's the problem. Putting people away no matter how disgusting soon brings out the do-gooders and you then have them begging for penpals for the ones on death row.
It's such a weird conflict of emotions people would rather watch crime, police and prison shows than every go near one in real. Goddess forbid we see them as human! ARGH
@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey I know. I don't believe in cruel and inhumane conditions for prisoners. They should have the basics. But we seem to be in a strange place right now. We can't even decide that tweeting hurty words might not be as bad as raping children. Time for honest conversations before we get into more pendulum swinging. There must be a sensible place between *hang 'em and flog 'em* and *affirming gender by putting violent rapists with women to teach them make-up techniques* surely.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera I might agree with you about women, the non violent ones that need non carceral solutions, because most of them are jailed for poverty and race. You can have the violent men as human if you want them so, but I will abstain, thanks.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera they NEVER do anything for women. They stopped playing soccer or some other fucking sportsing male religion for men in South Africa, but won't stop playing against Afghanistan, because it's not about men.
@Sherri_Ingrey@LaylaAlexandrovna@KeepTakingTheSoma There are libfems who don't believe in any punishment whatsoever, no matter how cruel or deadly the crime. They mostly have PhDs and believe criminals just need to be re-educated by more PhDs. It's a diseased cult.
@Sherri_Ingrey@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera LOL, you know I, myself want nothing to do with them of course. The question is what will men do with other men that will actually benefit women. Seems like they'll do nothing as usual.
Of course it's women in prisons who deserve our help if at all possible. Most of them probably shouldn't be in jail at all.
@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey@KeepTakingTheSoma I wonder what the stats are of men who actually stop being criminals after they're released but I can't be bothered to look it up because I think there's such a small number that don't 'reoffend'!
@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey The prison system could do with a massive overhaul. It's costly and doesn't work in many ways. One main feature of prison is supposed to be rehabilitation, but the figures have never really shown this to be effective. For me, the main purpose of prison is to remove people from society who are a clear danger to society. If they're in prison then they're not harming other people.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey Absolutely to all of this. You'd think by now as men are so incredibly smart, they'd have found a way to stop the baddies amongst them!
But it is all men and that's what NONE of them realise yet-except possibly for a few I've seen on X who seem to be quoting radfems.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera@Sherri_Ingrey It's not a great leap to imagine that men are rarely in favour of tough prison sentences for crimes that they might like to commit.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera We all know the roots of crime to start with, poverty and vulnerability. The powerful recruit from there, or the streets and gangs do. The real answer to most of it is eliminating poverty as if that is ever going to happen.
@ninafromcanadaeh@Sherri_Ingrey@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera I loathe the general idea that financial crime has no victims. A criminal is a criminal, even if he wears a suit. And I'm looking at the political class that took us into illegal wars with zero reason but to enrich their bank accounts.
@Sherri_Ingrey@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera Some true, but a lot of street crime is another form of power struggle. Most gang members have very high self-esteem and feel perfectly justified in ruining the neighbourhood in the cause of being king of their heap.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera the problem being, of course, it makes them WORSE and then they let them OUT. Many offenders reoffend within weeks, some within hours. What better lifestyle have they learned in prison?
The efforts to use the incarnation system for reform would be ambitious for a sclorotic government bureaucracy under the best of circumstances, but over-criminalization of non-crimes has flooded the prison system to well over capacity with otherwise productive members of society who mostly just touched a no-no plant. They spend years with little hope of ever re-establishing a stable legitimate career with upward mobility on the outside as ex-convicts, and a veritable masters' program worth of hardened convicts who can teach them the trade of crime trapped with them on the inside for all that time. We effectivly spend billions of tax dollars each year to manufacture career criminals out of minor non-violent offenders at industrial scale.
Oh, and also the rape is a huge problem nobody really talks about. Hard to come out a well-adjusted 'reformee' after being subjected to years of systemic sexual and physical violence at the hands of the inmates who genuinely deserve to be there.
@ninafromcanadaeh@KeepTakingTheSoma@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera remember I was a former Crown prosecutor. Even then, the white collar crime division prosecuted MAYBE five percent of it. Now white collar crime includes everything that the Mafia used to do, they just make it legal first! The CIA and drugs. Keeping the poor poor - the CIA and drugs. Legal prostitution. Legal porn. Legal gambling. Legal child trafficking *surrogacy etc. Legal slavery and indenture. Everything is legal SOMEWHERE .