The efforts to use the incarnation system for reform would be ambitious for a sclorotic government bureaucracy under the best of circumstances, but over-criminalization of non-crimes has flooded the prison system to well over capacity with otherwise productive members of society who mostly just touched a no-no plant. They spend years with little hope of ever re-establishing a stable legitimate career with upward mobility on the outside as ex-convicts, and a veritable masters' program worth of hardened convicts who can teach them the trade of crime trapped with them on the inside for all that time. We effectivly spend billions of tax dollars each year to manufacture career criminals out of minor non-violent offenders at industrial scale.
Oh, and also the rape is a huge problem nobody really talks about. Hard to come out a well-adjusted 'reformee' after being subjected to years of systemic sexual and physical violence at the hands of the inmates who genuinely deserve to be there.