Not that I’m aware of; am I missing out on something funny?
> … track record of mass murder going on 2,000 years now.
I’m afraid I’ve got no idea what specifically you are referring to.
> you have tens of millions of Christfags in the USA supporting an open genocide in Palestine in the name of their ethnonationalist eschatological farce.
I think we must be talking about entirely different things. What do American “Christfags” have to do with Traditional Christianity ? I’m talking specifically about the Faith of the Holy Fathers; it’s utterly unreasonable to expect anyone to answer for every heretical distortion that has come down the pike in two millennia.
> > … track record of mass murder going on 2,000 years now. > I’m afraid I’ve got no idea what specifically you are referring to.
Like I said before, you might want to choose a book club that has more than one book in it's selection. Just cherry picking here, but you could start with this one below for instance, based on the Catholic Discovery Doctrine...
> I’m talking specifically about the Faith of the Holy Fathers
You mean Holy Fathers like Saint Constantine who murdered his son and boiled his wife alive in a bathtub, in addition to the violent suppression of Pagan religions and philosophies and the destruction of temples, murdering of priests, etc? Or maybe Saint Cyril of Alexandria who did likewise, as well as directing a mob of Parabalini terrorists to murder the priestess Hypatia by flaying her alive with roofing tiles and then burning her as a human sacrifice? Incidentally Hypatia was later canonised as fictitious Saint, Catherine of Alexandria, albeit as a Christian scholar murdered by Pagans, rather than the truth which was the other way around. In 1969 Catherine was removed from the ecumenical calendar due to "insufficient evidence of historicity", but then added back by John Paul 2 in 2002 on account of her usefulness as a tool for propaganda. Or maybe you meant Charlemagne who went on a genocidal rampage across Europe, and arguably instigated the Viking age? Or maybe Boniface 8 the shameless paedophile and homosexual? Or Innocent 8 who had 8 bastard sons? Or Alexander 6 who turned the Vatican into a brothel? Or Julius 2 who died covered in syphilitic sores after a homosexual rampage through the brothels of Rome? Or Benedict 9 the homosexual pedophile? Or Sixtus 4 who had 6 bastard sons, one by his own sister, and made his money by taxing prostitutes? Or Sergius 3, whose debauchery was legendary and had a son by a teenaged prostitute (Marozia), who became the next pope, John 11. Or John 12, who fucked both his sisters, and had his head bashed in with a hammer by the husband of one of his mistresses when discovered mid coitus? Or John 23 who was charged with fornication, adultery, incest, sodomy, simony, theft, and murder and had a harem of nearly 200 nuns? Or Pope Leo 10 who made his money selling pardons (indulgences) for murder, polygamy, sacrilege, perjury, etc, and made his 14yo son a Cardinal? After his Cardinals tried to murder him, that holy father had his servants tortured to death for information by ripping their skin off with red hot pincers. He famously stated "How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors." Or maybe you mean Gregory 1 who started a business selling fake religious relics, and scamming gullible patrons out of their estates by claiming the world would end in 600CE and so they should donate it all to him for salvation. Or maybe you mean Saint Urban 2 who instituted a tax on sex, started the first Crusade which resulted in the death of 56 million people (Xtian, Jew and Muslim alike), and had their wives sold into slavery after he banned marriages among the clergy, unless they were willing to pay him a fee. Or maybe you mean Innocent 4 who claimed the Vatican owned the entire planet earth, instituted torture and murder (by burning alive) of witches (ie. midwives and healers), Jews and non-Catholic Xtians, then having their properties confiscated into church coffers. Or perhaps you mean Paul 4 the grand inquisitor, enthusiastic master torturer, and anti-Semite, who was so hated that 50% of the population of Rome fled to other countries to escape his ``justice``. When he died, the population rose up and burned the Holy Office to the ground, set all the prisoners free, then mutilated his statue and dragged it through the city sewers before throwing it into the Tiber river. Or maybe you mean Urban 8 who persecuted Galileo and forced him into a false confession for the heresy of heliocentrism. Or maybe Pius 9, the anti-Semite, who claimed all popes prior and since are divinely infallible. Or perhaps Pius 11, who officially endorsed the Nazi regime in 1933 explicitly because of their anti-Semitism. Or maybe John Paul 2, who was close friends with the incestuous rapist and paedophile Father Maciel. Or maybe Ratizinger who had evidence of it and turned a blind eye? Let me know if you need more examples of your Holy Fathers...
> it’s utterly unreasonable to expect anyone to answer for every heretical distortion that has come down the pike in two millennia.
No True Scotsman, amirite? They were all reading the same book, whose contents were decided upon by the Holy Fathers you speak of, along with a track record of whenever possible violently murdering anyone who disagreed with their interpretation.
That's a joke right? The entire thing is a colossal superstition masquerading as a religion (just as the Pagan writers stated from day one), and it has a track record of mass murder going on 2,000 years now. It's hardly just emotional baggage. At this very minute you have tens of millions of Christfags in the USA supporting an open genocide in Palestine in the name of their ethnonationalist eschatological farce. Palestine is far from an exception to the rule. To think this bullshit or the texts which have reliably given rise to it represent some kind of philosophical perfection is the definition of malignant narcissism.
@toiletpaper@k@Tony@freepatriot@d9dba0e072bdb353dfb0020de159126af47e69e133ea91bbd48e8bede37320e2@WilhelmIII@placebo To the extent Ancient Man actually valued Truth on its own merits, It’s perfectly reasonable to expect at least *some* overlap between ancient schools of philosophy, and their subsequent completion and perfection in Traditional Christianity. All truth is God’s Truth. I’d be more surprised if there *weren’t* any parallels with pre-Christian views.
>...literally every tradition incorporates elements from other traditions
You're doing a good job of arguing my point for me. The Gnostics (eg. Ophites, Sethians, etc) were explicit about how Jesus was equivalent with Adonis, Osiris, Attis, Dionysus, etc, etc. For starters, how many of the Nag Hammadi texts revolve around Pagan deities? The Pistis Sophia even goes so far as to say that Jesus is the son of Sophia (not Mary), and that Yahweh is a demon (aka: Yaldaboath, the demiurge). Even the Nicene theology (ie. Catholic) was ripped wholesale from NeoPlatonism (eg. the Trinity) and Hermeticism. Most of the early church fathers were NeoPlatonists and/or Hermeticists (eg. Bishop Syanecius of Cyrene, who was all 3 simultaneously). The cult of the virgin Mary is just a thin veneer of Christinanity overlaid on top of the cult of Artemis of Ephesus. That's besides that the oldest version of the OT was written in Greek and based on linguistic analysis predates the Hebrew translation. Jews in that region (ie. Alexandria Egypt) barely even spoke Hebrew at that point, because they were entirely Hellenised and steeped in Greek myths and culture. Everything they claim as their own is just a bad imitation and a lot of narcissistic victim Olympics fantasies, which later Christfags dutifully copied. The only way you can claim otherwise is if you're historically illiterate.
Meanwhile Islame, just like Christinanity and Judajism, was plagiarised wholesale from pre-existing Pagan traditions. The Ka'aba was originally a Pagan multi-faith temple built to foster peaceful trade and mutual respect between the local tribes, as was Ramadan, the Hajj and most of the rest of their traditions. In the Ka'aba to this day there's still a baetylus (the black stone) consecrated to Allah's wife, Al-Lat who was the mother goddess of Mohammed's tribe the Quraysh. The hundreds of shrines to all the other deities which used to be housed inside were destroyed by the pedo Mohammed.
@k@Tony@freepatriot@d9dba0e072bdb353dfb0020de159126af47e69e133ea91bbd48e8bede37320e2 Agreed. Muhammad's ideas on God and religion were certainly more formed from his exposure to and interaction with jews, but his exposure to heretical "Christians" who denied the divinity of Christ are likely what fueled his synthesizing of the two in the Quran. If Christ was just a prophet, then Mosiac/Hebraic law would endure.
In Did Muhammad Exist? bestselling author Robert Spencer brings to early Islam the same level of probing historical criticism scholars have long applied to Christianity and Judaism. Meticulously examining historical records, archaeological findings, and pioneering new scholarship, Spencer challenges the most fundamental assumptions about Islam’s origins―raising questions with profound implications for our world today.
@k@Tony@freepatriot@d9dba0e072bdb353dfb0020de159126af47e69e133ea91bbd48e8bede37320e2 The Nestorian and Arian heretics had been driven out of the White Christian lands (Rome, Byzantium, etc.) by the 600's and onto the fringes of civilization (like Arabia), so it is not surprising that the author of the Quran had the view of Christianity that he did.
@placebo@Tony@freepatriot@d9dba0e072bdb353dfb0020de159126af47e69e133ea91bbd48e8bede37320e2 True but I think it had more to do with jewish influence in the region. Most of Muhammad's debates were with jews, the tenants of the religion more resemble judaism, with bits of Christian lore mixed in from stories he heard on the road and from his first wife. Medina was also a jewish city before Muhammad was forced to drive them out (they wouldn't stop trying to jew him)
There were some Christian heretics in Arabia at the time but they were a minority, whereas diaspora jews were common.