@lorimeyers eu uso object storage (com API S3), que não oferece apps prontos, nem aquelas pastas integradas ao sistema, nem nada. Mas pago só o que utilizo, custa em média US$ 6/TB/mês.
@DifferentDrummer all my files are scattered through a bunch of devices. I don't know what to do. I wanted some place I could access everything from any device. :(
@lorimeyers As lot of people will tell you "the cloud is just OTHER PEOPLE'S computers." Basically it's a risk.
I still use MEGA and Mediafire to back up things I'd like to find again should my drives ever be lost in a disaster. Few regular folk can afford actual secure offsite storage, so we're left with these risky online options.
I have to say I've never lost anything from Mediafire (yet).
@lorimeyers Tenho uma conta da BOX, que faço backups manuais. Me atende bem. Na conta gratuita eles oferecem 10GB de armazenamento com limite de 250mb no tamanho dos arquivos. Sem versionamento.
@luiz_im@cadusilva eu queria juntar tudo q tá espalhado em vários dispositivos e conseguir acessar de qualquer dispositivo. eu posso até manter backups físicos, eu queria só conseguir acessar as coisas sem ter q ir ligando tudo e procurando.
@DifferentDrummer I have 2 laptops and 2 desktops LOL I can't fit everything in just one (and half of them are not trustworthy) most my stuff are on my cell phones and tablet I use Google Cloud but I wanted to get out of Google. (and I can't fit everything there)
@lorimeyers Do you have a desktop/laptop? If the drive on that is big enough, or there's a port inside for another drive, then copy/move everything you need that's not software to that from the other devices so it's all in one place *for access.* Still keep it all elsewhere as well, if you can, for safety. Being spread across devices is a safety feature, but inconvenient if you don't know what and where.
@cadusilva@lorimeyers Google drive é mais difícil SINCRONIZAR no Linux, mas montar e acessar é fácil. Basicamente é logar na interface no tutorial de boas-vindas
@lorimeyers I don't know how 'instant' the linking is to files on sites like Mega and Mediafire. They tend to be upload/download situations rather than direct access. But they do give you a nice chunk of storage before the charges apply.
I have read a fair amount of horror stories concerning virtual drives like Google's Cloud., MS Onedrive and Dropbox. It's a case of research and take a risk . 🤞
@DifferentDrummer I didn't want to lose the photographs of people and pets that are gone. and my arts (pictures, videos, audio, text). it's basically that, but that's a LOT.
and some books and documentaries about art too that are impossible to find/buy.
@lorimeyers Basically, managing ones digital life is a thorough pain.
Divesting from things we become addicted to is always difficult; I'd say the way some people are welded to their phones and influencers they're under a tighter grip than nicotine or heroin.
We all just need one big EM pulse to reset our lives.
@lorimeyers@cadusilva Se vc tiver com tempo (e dois pcs) Faz um teste. Instala em ambos faz uma pastinha "documentos" com um arquivinho dentro e veja a mágica acontecer.
(Sempre o adendo que é uma big tech com uma cópia dos seus arquivos)
@lorimeyers Basically they open your stuff and share it; once it on their servers any of their staff can access it as they control the encryption. Beyond that it's too technical for me, but there seems to be a new problem every week somewhere in the world.
Now there is also AI scraping, much newer, but it's still access to private data.
@DifferentDrummer I had a backup on a external drive, but it started corrupting the files in a way that took me a while to find out. I lost lots of pics and videos of my dog that passed. :(
I'm almost considering making a cd backup. lol (never lost anything on my CDs, but I would need so many CDs)
@lorimeyers Right, what I did, was wait until one of the big drive manufacturers had a sale and bought a large external back-up drive. 5TB. I have *everything* backed up on that. Every time I save something, I save it again to the files on that, that mirror all the other smaller drives combined.
It's vulnerable because it's next to the actual PC, but in the event of a disaster - if I'm THERE - it can be grabbed and run with. Otherwise it's vulnerability is the same as anything else one has.
@lorimeyers , eu uso o Nextcloud em uma VPS que fica na Alemanha. Mas somente para arquivos que eu realmente quero sincronizar entre máquinas que não estão na minha casa e meu celular.
Agora se você só quer sincronizar essas coisas dentro da sua casa, dá pra montar um sistema de armazenamento (NAS) usando um computador velho, com um HD/SSD grandão e GNU/Linux. Na verdade nem precisa ser um computador, pode ser um Raspberry Pi mesmo.
@DifferentDrummer cds decay slower than dvds. but I can do both. CDs for the very important stuff and dvds for things I don't want to lose but won't cry for a week if they're lost. :P
I even have a external cd/dvd drive that connects through usb. :P
(I keep the media and the way to access it. I'm smort 🤓)
@lorimeyers I bought a drum of 100 blank DVDs (also in a sale!). At 4.7 GB per disc for storage they can hold a lot. Essentially I burn stuff on there, write on each what it holds and put it in another (empty) drum, until it's full.
As long as you keep the discs at the same temperature/relative humidity (same place as much as possible) and keep the light out (make sure the paper wrap is still on the drum, or make another one) they'll last a long time.
Pelo que vi, além do Dropbox esses serviços têm aplicativo pra Linux.
- pCloud - MEGA - Cozy Cloud - icedrive
Só posso falar do Dropbox (único que usei/uso) funciona bem e é intuitivo (mas na versão free só sinca 3 dispositivos)
Seeee for pagar, acha um que cobre em Reais (DrooBox tem jeito de cobrar em reais comprando no app do celular) assim vc não fica presa na loucura do dólar.
@lorimeyers se quiser, podemos conversar sobre isso. É menos complicado do que parece. Inclusive hoje a Contabo está com uma promoção de 4,05 euros mensais por uma VPS que é bem parecida com a que eu uso. A Contabo tem seus problemas de performance, mas pra esse tipo de coisa, dá numa boa.
Ah, e temos um grupo de software livre aqui em BH que está parado há um tempo e precisando de dar uma agitada. Às vezes você anima entrar lá.
@lxo@lorimeyers Unfortunately, freedombox has turned into nonfreedom box with the proprietization of Debian.
Certain versions of owncloud (AGPLv3-or-later) or nextcloud (AGPLv3-only) appear to actually be free software, too bad they're a pain in the neck to install.
is that so? how unfortunate. I'd have thought the freedombox hardware wouldn't trigger the code added to debian to install blobs, because I figured it didn't require blobs. does it, really?
@lxo >I'd have thought the freedombox hardware wouldn't trigger the code added to debian to install blobs, because I figured it didn't require blobs. does it, really? The Debian installer contains proprietary software and if you run that installer, the proprietary software installation script is getting run (with the only exception being if you pass a certain flag) - while it is true that no proprietary peripheral software will get installed if the script can't find any hardware that can use what's available, such script will install proprietary microcode if you run it in a VM that has an Intel or AMD CPU host for example.
Reviewing freedombox-testing_latest_a20-olinuxino-lime2-armhf.img, the image actually appears to be free of proprietary software, but I'm not sure about this file; /lib/firmware/skl_hda_dsp_generic-tplg.bin
It appears to be a configuration file that seems to be generated from a .conf file, but I'm not sure what it's for.
Unfortunately, there is no dedication to freedom, as it does include images with proprietary software in them; https://freedombox.org/download/raspberrypi4b/ (at least they write "non-free-firmware", but "nonfree-software" should be written there).
Thankfully it is possible to use freedombox in freedom, but the future of freedombox is unfortunately uncertain as Debian has gone proprietary and who knows what they'll do next (A lot of the supported hardware can run blobs, for example the Beaglebone Black and Debian could decide to include such proprietary 3D software (as it gives the convenience of adding accelerated 3D rendering))?