“NYT and other outlets try to *manifest* ‘Biden’s dropping out’ like it’s WMDs in Iraq”
From @MisuseCase: https://twit.social/@MisuseCase/112723886098891150
“NYT and other outlets try to *manifest* ‘Biden’s dropping out’ like it’s WMDs in Iraq”
From @MisuseCase: https://twit.social/@MisuseCase/112723886098891150
Love Biden or loathe him, it’s important to recognize the political ratfuckery going on: this whole “Biden dropping out” thing is being astroturfed. It’s a pitch that targets the left and is appealing to the left — but it is not coming from the left.
Before jumping on that bandwagon, take a moment to ask who’s steering it. Because it’s not you.
@inthehands yeah that whole thing stank to me like a week old kipper
Who •is• steering that bandwagon?
I don’t know, but whoever it is, they’re holding the NYT’s leash.
It's not even a new playbook. Thanks to @sjuvonen for a much-needed dose of recent history:
Or do jump on that bandwagon, some shady billionaire asshole somewhere thanks you for your propaganda service
The genius of this ploy is that a hypothetical candidate is •always• better than a real one. One person gets to picture Bernie, the next person gets to picture…I don’t know, Bloomberg or whatever, and they can both think they agree.
It’s so seductive. It even has a grain of truth: yeah, lots about Biden •does• suck; yeah, Iraq really •did• have chemical weapons at one point. That’s why it’s crucial to recognize all this as an aluminum-tubes-style ploy with an agenda, per the OP.
@mastobit And yet they are very clearly pulling the strings in only •one• direction here, Nameless Person.
Trump exhibits signs of aging too. Trump lied his face off in the debate. Did the NYT call for him to drop out? No, because hedged bets notwithstanding, they have a specific preferred outcome and it is •not• Biden.
@inthehands Billionaires donate to *both* parties to hedge their bets, Paul.
That’s exactly right. The tell is not them throwing rocks at Biden. The tell is the curious absence of calls for Trump to drop out too.
@inthehands NYTimes and WaPo are both sowing chaos with their relentless "Biden drop out" propaganda. And not one word (unless it's deeply hidden) about the convicted felon/rapist/word-salad spewing/twice impeached former guy being disastrously unsuitable to be POTUS. Makes me wonder what their game is.
I mean, I liked her better and still do, but I also wanted a flying pony
@inthehands and even given the absolute fact that if he _does_ drop out the single person in any position to stand as his replacement is his vice-president, who pretty much everyone wanting a replacement already explicitly rejected at the ballot box
To be crystal clear here, because a few reply guys are reeeeeally struggling with this thought:
Just because you •agree• with the idea on the surface doesn’t mean the people •behind• the idea have your interests at heart.
Yes, you thought it on your very own. Yes, you like the idea. Yes, it appeals to you. That’s the point. I’m asking you to look at •who• is making that appeal, who is plastering this message across the MSM. Because •that• is not you.
Whoever it is, they’re not making the same case about Trump. That’s the tell. Taken in totality, Trump’s age, mental incoherence, demonstrated incompetence, moral depravity, criminal record, electoral failure, and outright •fascism• give far more reason for him to drop out.
Whoever’s pulling the strings of the NYT and its ilk, they are very clearly pulling in one specific direction. Think twice about whether you want to help them pull.
@JEkis I do agree that last part is the appeal, the case folks are making. I’m skeptical whether it’s the motivation from the top. And a full-court press like this •is• coming from the top. This is an editorial decision, not a spontaneous mass uprising of pundits.
@inthehands @nancylwayne they have written tons of articles and op-eds on Trumps disastrous plans if he gets in office again. There’s no shortage of describing Trumpism as authoritarian and contrary to American principles in those publications.
The Atlantic did a whole issue dedicated just to that as well.
@TwShiloh @nancylwayne
Yes, without a doubt, there’s been a fair bit of negative coverage of Trump. I read the news too.
That notwithstanding, to pull so hard for Biden to drop out with hardly a breath of all that past reporting is…a notable choice. This should have been the norm, not a voice in the wilderness:
Not the only one saying all the above. From @skykiss, for example:
@inthehands @skykiss
And she says it very well.
@merileedkarr @skykiss
Yeah, it took me a few words, didn’t it? But she went straight to the heart of it.
@merileedkarr @deskJet95 @JEkis
Yup. And if you were looking for smoke coming out the top, well, look for example at the NYT going to war with its our reporters after they signed a letter in protest of its anti-trans bias. There are plenty of alarm bells. If you didn’t hear them, I don’t know what you’ve been listening to.
@deskJet95 @inthehands @JEkis
The editorial board is subject to the publisher and the owner.
The owner can "shit all over institutional norms" because those norms are already EXTINCT. There are no norms. "Bur her emails" is the norm. Wake up.
@inthehands @JEkis I do believe the editorial board is 15 of the opinion writers. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are shareholders of NYT, but I really don't think they're trying to engineer a Trump win to increase the NYT's valuation. Meanwhile, the owner can't just shit all over institutional norms without that itself becoming widespread knowledge. If some chicanery happened, where the owner tried to force a change in how editorials are written, we'd know.
@inthehands NYT doesn't have strings. They are publishing what they believe.
“They” doing waaaaay too much work there. The NYT is not one person. Think of this, for example: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/02/new-york-times-trans-coverage-debate
The NYT is an organization. It has a power structure. There are people who have a great deal of control within that power structure. Of •course• the org has strings.
Further clarification: There are three distinct questions here.
1. Does there exist some candidate who could do better than Biden if they were •already• the Dem nominee?
2. Would switching candidates midstream •now• help the situation? Even be logistically feasible?
3. Should we trust the forces that have pushed item 2 to the top of the news, even above the SCOTUS going full Trump-can-be-a-dictator?
The answers are:
1. Probably.
2. Highly unlikely.
3. Certainly not.
@inthehands largely agree with your thread here and have dismissed the many MSM calls in the past for Biden not to run. His debate performance really made me wonder tho. Totally agree that it’s still not clear that any actual alternative is better. And totally agree about motivations of most of those promoting idea. Though others on the left have been as well, such as @davidsirota who’s made a compelling case for a contested primary
Whether some alternative person would have been better is a very different question from whether switching now makes any sense at all.
On that latter question, I don’t trust Sirota two inches. He’s a lousy tactical thinking, and consistently has trouble distinguishing his own strong reactions from sound strategy.
@inthehands I would clarify that 2 is two-part, and the answers are "highly unlikely" and "absolutely not"
I think some hypothetical replacement would miss the deadline to even be on the ballot in some states, which is ... not exactly a recipe for electoral success.
More on this topic, from @StillIRise1963:
Yeah, for sure. I was already planning a crow-eating thread once I have a little time to put it together!
@inthehands Well, point #2 got smashed the last couple of days.
I really think what was driving it was MI polling, along with that primary "none of these candidates" majority. Bleeding out the black vote is also bleeding out young voters, except young people don't pick up the phone to get polled. Palestine was/is an election-breaker.
That said, I've been done with the NYT for about a year. Our press is profit-driven because so much is, thanks to the last 40 years.
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