@Hyperhidrosis@Economic_Hitman@coolboymew find a sport you like. I like doing martial arts stuff like that will really help. And get a pupperoni i play and run around with mine every night
@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis@coolboymew i do the lower back and the upper back same day and then the lower back and abs same day and cardio daily with the pupperoni it works for now. Once i can do some real pull ups thatll change alot
@coolboymew@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis just be sure to stretch and go by feel if it feels wrong listen to your body. Remember too most people dont see gains because they dontbpush hard enough to reach hypertrophy, at least the studys say so
@Soy_Magnus@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis the thing is, what should I do, I finished the sets but can still somewhat go on? Should I just go on on the last set until I can't anymore? But there's also, if I go too heavy, I have to stop early and it feels unsatisfying
@Soy_Magnus@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis goblet squats seems to be working the lower back, or at least, putting pressure on it, it gets a bit stiff after, but not dangerously so. But probably not enough to not not lower back exercises later if I spread it enough
@coolboymew@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis i dobt do lower back on the same day as legs cause th work outs i do seem to work out the abs and thr lower back lightly too but enoufh to risk injury but it depends on how much you do it i get pretty close to failure
@Soy_Magnus@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis I do crunches during arms day and planning to do lower back on legs day. I'll add more as it goes and I might add a day at some point if the additional stuff takes too long
I set up the days so that they have the supposed optimal time of recovery but get no brakes
@Humpleupagus@Economic_Hitman@Hyperhidrosis@coolboymew switching up rest times are another way to really change ifnyou do 30 secs between sets, try doing less ornmore between. Or not doing any time between its all aboit not allowijg the body to adjust ifnu do the sake rhing your body will aclimate to it and stop bemefitingnfrom it. Ive done some with water or evem dry fasting, sugar before andnduring, energy drinks. Thebimpact gets increased by new stressors
I got pretty good gains back when I was doing body building programs and following the advice to eat dextrose right after a workout.
Look up Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 There is some debate about it but it worked well for me. That said, I limited sugar intake to only breakfast and after workouts, and limited total sugar to 10% of total calories per day or less
@Soy_Magnus@Humpleupagus@Hyperhidrosis@coolboymew I can believe that. When you fast you trick your body into thinking your're starving, and insulin acts like an anabolic hormone so maybe that's why it increases.