@davidrevoy C'est probablement la peinture de Pleroma-tan la plus détaillée que j'ai pu voir :blobcatwoah: Les couleurs sont extraordinaires et le regard est vraiment fort !!! Merci beaucoup !!! :blobpray: Ça serait vraiment extraordinaire de pouvoir l'utiliser au sein du projet, d'autres développeurs sont intéressés aussi, mais il faut qu'on trouve où ! :pleromatan:
@EffToyz Hehe, no problem. I see what you mean: the thumbnailer of my blog center x and center y before doing a 16:9 crop, and it resulted in https://www.davidrevoy.com/ ... Probably your instance had same cropping settings ?
@szkodnix Oh, why not. I was thinking of Sara (OpenGameArt) but probably not this autumn because the planning is really dense. Do you know a good place where I can see the artworks done so far and the license of Ai ? I can still collect them in a directory and bookmark links, that will be a first step.
@Elfie You probably can't understand the need for a CW warning. I see that because you can't say a nice thing about the art and move on without using an insult. Poor social skills.
It would probably need you to meet more humans, collaborate with others, and feel the diversity and differences in this world to start seeing this usage as something thoughtful.
I hope you'll remember this message when you'll be more mature.
@davidrevoy@Elfie it still poses a UI issue for people who don't want or need tagging of this content. we need a better metadata system for this that doesn't rely so much on freeform text.
@davidrevoy I need to socialize more? :cirno_thinking:
Coming from someone who feels threatened by drawings who appear to be looking at a screen? :cirno_what:
Being tired of nonsensical social etiquette doesn't imply poor social skills, it only implies weariness, something I have plenty of
I'm not going to pretend being fearful of drawings isn't stupid, because it is and it should be obvious that it is, there's a clear difference between personal preferences and neuroticism
It's a personal preference to dislike nsfw drawings, it's respectable and it should be respected, but disliking drawings who appear to look at the screen is just neurotic
You can't ask others to abide by things that only you understand
@patrick Sure. And what's your point? If someone is shocked or has eye-rolling at my communication style, does that give them free card to insult it? ?
@davidrevoy Depending on culture, various behaviors are highly politicized (or not). So things that may be neutral or at best friendly courtesy for you can be (to cut it short a bit) a tribal sign elsewhere, and if you're (not) doing certain things, you're mistaken to be part of the "enemy tribe".
While I agree that this seems childish (I'm probably closer to your culture than to @Elfie@bae.st's), maturity seems to be an insufficient perspective: we probably have similar signals that look obvious and important for us while others just roll their eyes at our sensibilities and are shocked or even appalled by our strong reactions.
@davidrevoy I don't agree with attributing the conduct to immaturity ("remember this message"). Elfie might be just a teenage edgelord who needs to grow up, but sadly that isn't a given - there are grown, well-established people who'd feel justified acting just the same (and using the same choice words).
But props to you for assuming the least worst reason for the behavior :-)
@ic3l9 Why should I have empathy for someone starting a discussion by insulting me or my communication style? I'm not a doormat. Why you would expect that?.. Of course, if they would have explained to me in a polite way that the presence of the "CW (eye-contact)" triggered their condition and plunged them into a deep discomfort that prevented them to enjoy following my art, we could have found a constructive discussion to find a way. Simple
@ic3l9 Mm... You just plugged into this discussion a "to us" and "to you" larger groups and attached a set of global behaviors to the said groups (of course, one true/friendly, another one mean/toxic where you did put me on the fly, because "why not"). All of this reductive and essentialist work extrapolated from a toot discussion. For what final goal? To force me to say "thank you" in return for an insult.
@davidrevoy you do not understand the culture of many people here. to you, saying cruel and mean things is fine as long as you wrap it in kind words. to us, it's fine to use slurs and insults as long as the message is friendly. despite being phrased offensively, the post you're complainig about was complimenting your work. someone who obviously disagrees with you on many things looked at your art and thought "very cool", and chose to tell you even across the cultural barrier this thread illustrates.
@Ruq@davidrevoy no, but i asked for permission to print it. it's FOSS licensed. you can reproduce things without being the author. you just have to credit them.
@creamqueen Yes, It helps a tiny fraction of my audience with autism spectrum disorders who feel really uncomfortable with pictures featuring eye contact (check Wikipedia for more sources/info about it).
By putting a CW, it allows them to prepare themselves for eye contact before clicking.
I wish a better system existed to metadata upfront a post with 'eye contact' and let each profile set their preferences about it. But without that, the workaround is to use the CW + eye contact keyword.
@davidrevoy she looks so serious and determined… cold beauty in the middle of the battle. totally new cool facet of the same Pleroma-tan we all know. =)