It’s distressing and a little maddening that in all of the sturm about Facebook this week I haven’t seen anyone arguing a straightforward, if not exactly simple, fact: the only way to avoid this is to take their power away.
My wife pulls out a whiteboard and, without even a hint of irony, asks me “what are the secret ‘quick projects’ that will in reality take all day that you’re going to attempt this weekend” and I’ve never felt so attacked.
@evan Nationalized in the sense that what-we-call-AI corporations are taken over by the state or nationalized in the sense that there is a public benefit to governments building open source LLMs?
Red state governors: it’s illegal to say the word abortion, expectant parents are required to buy their newborn children an AR-15, and it’s legal to kill bikers and pedestrians as long as your full sized truck is American made.
Blue state governors: this tiny incremental environmental improvement that has taken 25 years to become law is too much of a burden on cars ability to further ruin citities and will be postponed indefinitely.
@ianbetteridge@tfb@loke Sharp post and in the comments you get at something that has genuinely made me sad: the correlation between the reactionary shift and the upstart of Dithering. I like John and Ben personally, their rightward drift over the past four years though just bums me out.
@tantramar@ianbetteridge@tfb@loke I’m not a regular Talk Show listener but did listen to an episode with @anildash a while back and I could see glimmers of the old Daring Fireball.
Marc Andreessen: “And another thing! We would’ve solved climate change in the 70s if the pesky environmentalists hadn’t killed nuclear power!”
Also Marc Andreessen: “I’m proud to announce we’re working with one of the most brutal, repressive, corrupt regimes in history to help them launder their oil money on a computer that uses ⅛ of the global electric supply to generate ransom notes.”
Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”
VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”
One of the lessons of the past two decades of tech is open protocols can work as long as there is some element of infrastructure that isn’t dependent on market forces. Social media platforms ended up the way they did because they were hellbent on wringing out every possible cent of profitability.
OpenAI replacing the only two women on the board, and the only researchers actually interested in preventing skynet, with the guy who invented the like button and the king of neoliberalism is almost too on the nose.