@NireBryce according a relative who was senior in various corporate BS they show committent to it all, that you're doing the MBA rather than something useful. I'm pretty sure they didn't meant this as a negative thing either
Mastodon social is continuing to have problems with racist, Islamophobic pro-Israel accounts. Latest one is WeAreTITANs Just check out their account, it's all pretty obvious
Windows Recall, enabling the AI assistant to “access virtually what you have seen or done on your PC in a way that feels like having photographic memory
*puts on family violence policy hat* :blob_cat_ohnoes: :oh_no_bubble:
*puts on IT hat* :blob_cat_ohnoes: :oh_no_bubble:
*puts on medical ethics hat* :blob_cat_ohnoes: :oh_no_bubble:
*puts on data analyst hat* :blob_cat_ohnoes: :oh_no_bubble:
*puts on anarchist hat* :blobredpandanarchist: :oh_no_bubble:
I think it's really important for us trans women, especially us white ones, to learn about how womanhood has been used in other systems of oppression. The roles of white women in upholding white supremacy, richer women in class structures. These are patterns of behaviour that I don't think we should recreate
We come to womanhood from a different place to cis women. This gives us a different perspective to build from in finding better ways to be women I've heard multiple cis women talk about learning about womanhood from the trans women in their lives
Basically if you're a white trans woman look up some Black women's critiques of white womanhood and ask yourself if you really want to do that shit
@siege I wouldn't, he is obviously wrong. Just cause there's a biological effect doesn't mean it exists for any reason. Biology is fucking messy If you look around I'm sure you can find someone with the relevant PHDs who has dealt with the claim
@siege WTF? it binds to serotonin receptors, which is a neuro-transmitter the fact that some other chemicals other than the specific chemical the receptor has evolved for will interact with receptors is entirely expected based on how biochemistry works
that argument is garbage. it's like saying that the fact that tetrodotoxin interacts with sodium channels shows that we evolved to have tetrodotoxin in us
drugs are just poisons that have interesting effects in low doses. and people who are into them recreationally should stop trying to make it sound natural, spiritual, or whatever other BS they are on
Generic weird nerd, queer and trans, and blade witch. I share various bladesmithing and other projects, but this is mostly pet photos and shitposts. Very soberSense of humor removed to make space for more facts about 1980s ToyotasMember of the aus.social moderation team, but no official stuff on this account