@lemurbat I don't read it about Jews & Gentiles explicitly. Rather those who have the privledge of growing up with the knowledge of God and refusing to know him. So in the context of the time, that would be the Jews because that's where he was. Now it would be people who grow up within the church and choose to leave it. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+14%3A12-24&version=VOICE
Trad. Stoic, I love God, my wife,my daughters, drawing, chalking, cycling and the bush. I post my art at @Aslanmane Senior Test Analyst for a living.#stoic #streetchalk #chalk #streetart #Australian #fedi22[Avatar alt text: smiling bearded man][Header alt text: smiling person behind a spilt cup "The price of tranquility is to accept loss"]