I was reading Jesus 'Teaching on the Law'*. Which started theolgoical musings on the Law. The church teaches that the moral and ethical components of the Mosaic Law still apply, but the ceremonial and dietry components do not. But what are they 'moral and ethical componenets of the law'? The first is the Bible's summarisation of the law. So there's 'The Ten Commandements'*, 'The Golden Rule'* and 'The Greatest Commandment'*. Whilst this gives me enough sate my initial curiousity, at some point I want to familiarise myself with the 613 commandments (a disputed number). Familiarise myself with them and see if there are commandments that seem out of line with 'The Ten Commandments', 'The Golden Rule' and 'The Greatest Commandment. I also have some skepticism that it is a simple seperate all the commandments as 'moral' or 'ceremonial'. 613 Commandments(Mitzvot) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/613_commandments#Typical_order *Bible References cited above: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A17-20%2C+Exodus+20%3A1-17%2C+Mathew+22%3A36-40%2C+Matthew+7%3A12&version=MEV #Christian#Bible#Theology
@fuat2mb so is the confusion about why is the baptist congregation appointing their pastor instead of it being appointed by the larger baptist organisation?
@fuat2mb hmmm... I was explaining the baptist way of selecting a pastor. For myself I haven't given the process much thought. I guess I subscribe to 'the priesthood of all believers' instead of 'in persona Christi' or apostolic succession. This would be based in ideas like 'the faith of Abraham' and 'Abraham's children act like Abraham'. I also believe in the quality/capability of a pastor/priest (faith, vision, training, experience) and their relationship with the parishioners. However I've not given it serious theological thought, as I've not been involved in the process.
I was looking at redbubble last night. Not only can I see some myself buying some clothing and stickers from there, but I will now put my own art up there in the new financial year...
@fuat2mb good question. Hmm there's 1. authority over sin in my struggle against it. 2. My authority to pray as a beloved child, though should pray more. 3. My authority to speak on Christian matters and the Gospel. )art, posts & conversation). Now onto the thrust of your post 😀 4. demons and u clean spirits. For me they are theoretical. Yes I can see them in gospels, but I can't see them around me, unless I see them as "the spirit of the age' or anti-Christ philosophies and movements. In which case see 2. & 3. 5. Authority for supernatural healing. Something I've not had faith in. As I recover from a cracked rib I have been pondering should I have asked the church elders to come over and anoint me with oil and pray for me? Very alien to me, but James 5 is pretty clear. 🤔
@gabriel it turns out that my state government had 3 pilot '20 minute city' programs in 2018. The nearest to me was the suburb of Croydon South, page 12 shows a map of "future opportunities". Things to note: 1. It's a government project not a market led project. 2. There are no proposals to ban cars from the suburb. 3. There are no proposals to make trains the only mode of transport. I agree with @ned it seems like a marketing buzz word. I think I've given this topic enough attention. https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0023/653126/Croydon-South-Our-20-minute-neighbourhood.pdf cc: @fu
@gabriel I had no idea that 15-min cities were a thing. Let alone something that people had conspiracy theories about. I love my supermarket, chemist, church, mother and train station being within a short bike ride from my house 🤷♂️ Oh and down with violence, if it needed to be said 😄
@fuat2mb The elders of a baptist church would recognise that an individual has been called to ministry, been through a period of discernment and training (seminary) and authorise that individual to be the pastor of there congregation.
I had a bike accident on my mountain bike yesterday, attempting to do my first jump (or as Mrs Aslanmane good friend said 'by being a boy'). My helmet and knee pads did what they were designed to do, but cracked my rib (my first broken bone). Will take about 4 weeks to heal, taking things gingerly at the moment. I'd been praying for some time to do some Christian art 😄
Morning Fediverse! It's a cold morning, but I made it to French Island last night. Warmed up some mead and then proceeded to tell God how I was feeling and rant at the brokenness of this world. Woke up this morning very happy to be alive. #bicycle#camping#Australia#mountainBike
Psalm play list ? 70% of the psalms are covered. Made this a while ago to engage with scripture artistically and experientially instead of analytically. Realised others might find it useful, so posting about it :) Psalm 88 and 130 have hit me the hardest from this playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7IVZRo9N72ArNAY6i9Q3B3?si=54ad5ec202584b4f
Trad. Stoic, I love God, my wife,my daughters, drawing, chalking, cycling and the bush. I post my art at @Aslanmane Senior Test Analyst for a living.#stoic #streetchalk #chalk #streetart #Australian #fedi22[Avatar alt text: smiling bearded man][Header alt text: smiling person behind a spilt cup "The price of tranquility is to accept loss"]