> This part might actually be true. But it's, on aggregate, at a safe level. Wrong, it's x100 more dangerous than previous vaccines. And stop with the "base level" shit. These are done per capita, per 100,000. Adding a couple more hundred thousands does not change the percentage.
> VERY few. And of those who did, most were revivable. The fact that you can even say this and yet still defend getting the vaccine is literally shocking to me. But I'll entertain you for a second on this. If a couple people literally fainted on live tv, how many do you think in the real world are fainting or having adverse affects? if it was truly negligible numbers of people, we wouldn't have seen this on live tv at all; just like with every other vaccine in the past. "most were reviavble"...wtf? Again, if this is happening on live tv, and some people are not even revivable, why the fuck would you promote this vaccine? It's clearly not safe and could potentially kill you outright.
> No they don't. yea they do
> Yeah, in mid-2020, the article it cited didn't account for that. You're right: before vaccines were rolled out, the researchers were sloppy and didn't think to run a statistical test about vaccines that weren't out yet. Right, so your study doesn't prove what you're trying to say it proves. And, unless I'm mistaken, this article is from 2022: https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-022-01814-1
> That isn't even true, see above. I did see above, and it is true.
> Not in this thread, you'll have to go back a couple of threads for that one. This thread was specifically about heart problems. I'd like to see you cite 1 study in this thread that shows that covid itself (meaning people who never got the vaccine) developed AIDS.
> Mercola is BS. ADE and AIDS not really, mainstream news is just as BS if not moreso. I'm not really sure how ADE and AIDS differ, but regardless, if the vaccine is causing this stuff, then this is a huge problem and I can't believe more people aren't doing memes about this.
> That might be so, but > 1) it isn't > 2) and COVID IS > 3) and it reduces impact of covid on the immune system, and helps to prevent infection and transmission,which means > 4) it will be a core part of efforts to eradicate covid 1) it is and you haven't proved otherwise 2) it isn't and you haven't proved otherwise 3) we've seen tons of evidence and scientists and government officials admitting in the past year that the vaccine doesn't significantly prevent infection or reduce transmission, and that natural immunity is something like x20 more effective.
> That doesn't follow. This is like saying 'if you don't believe donald trump i don't have to believe anything you say'. CDC have gotten A LOT wrong in this pandemic. No this doesn't follow. If you can ignore state agencies and their data, then I see no reason why I shouldn't ignore anything you say. If you can't trust countries with their data (and some are obviously shit, like China), then you can't trust anyone with their data. Scientists and researchers need funding and financial backing to even have jobs, and most of the time that funding comes from multi billion dollar companies, like Pfizer, so there's obviously a conflict of interest there. Of course the CDC got a lot wrong, they lied about most things, like most studies did; this is equally as true of anything that you cite. If the CDC, one of the largest health agencies in the world, can blatantly lie about data, then you're out of your mind if you think that other countries and agencies aren't doing the same.
> Sure it does. Cytokine storms are clearly documented in the one. I already addressed this, that study doesn't tell me whether those people were vaccinated or not; if their all vaccinated then that can be the reason they're experiencing cytokine storms. you already admitted that this study does not address this.
you already said the CDC was wrong, so no mainstream source you show me is going to hold any weight. but regardless, I looked at this article, and it's doing too much. it's got like 9 different groups and 10 different self reported polls, etc. I want to see a study where they directly followed people who got vaccinated, and people who never got vaccinated, and I want to see the differences between them.
I have tons of articles myself. Here's one showing that covid vaccines have serious adverse affects in 1 in 800 ppl who got the vaccine, versus other vaccines like the swine flu that have adverse affects in 1 in 100,000 ppl who got it. That's a x100 times increase in serious adverse affects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9428332/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/
I can go on and on, I have tons of these, and they will all contradict whatever you have. Which is why I said in the beginning that these people are liars and can't be trusted, and anything you show me will likely be a lie.
> That doesn't follow. I am not an american and do not care about the CDC. The rest of the world isn't as fucked up as the US and our data isn't as suspect. This is retarded, you think that somehow America is more corrupt than Canada or the UK? Canada and the UK are literally laughing stocks of the world because they constantly do shit that makes no sense and only makes things worse for their citizens, in the name of diversity or whatever. Also, you have no evidence to suggest that somehow other countries' data is more valid.
> That is comparing apples and oranges. Different vaccines carry different amounts of risk. No it's not comparing apples to oranges. like I said most previous vaccines had similar rates of adverse affects, it's only the covid vaccine that has a x100 increase in adverse affects.
> This data is not valid. I've looked into it over and over again everytime someone like you posts it, and every time it's the same BS that only shows that the people reading it don't understand base rates. This is literally from the Center for Research on Globalization, a Canadian site I believe: globalresearch.ca So at this point you're just ignoring any evidence that goes against your pre-established beliefs.
> Not everyone in medical science is a liar. That just paints you into an untenable corner Obviously not everyone is lying, but the point is that we aren't going to be able to tell, because there's so much contradictory "evidence".
> I'm not sure if you saw this, but autopsies were done on multiple people who died (all had gotten the vaccine), and in all of them, they found long stringy alien fibrous tissue in their hearts and other parts of their body. this is caused by covid > where’s your evidence that covid specifically, and not the vaccine causes this? I told you that they found this on in people who took the vaccine.
> This was never a thing before covid; you're right, because it was caused by covid > again, show me your evidence.
> the medical examiners never saw this before in their careers, and this was not found in bodies that never got the vaccine. that last part isn't true, the first ones were all vaxxed but later they found in the unvaxxed > show me your evidence.
> "cytokine storms" ...also caused by covid, only more consistently. > show me your evidence.
> This website says that covid and the flu are basically the same in every way, Then it's wrong. > if the CDC is wrong (and I do believe they’re lying pieces of shit) then you have no basis to trust any mainstream source of news and data. In which case, there’s no point in citing any evidence to me, because we both agree it could easily be wrong.
"Cytokine storm is defined as acute overproduction and uncontrolled release of pro-inflammatory markers, both locally and systemically." - this is literally what vaccines do, they purposefully trigger an immune response (aka they trigger an inflammatory response) in the hopes that the body will quickly act and detect the virus and create antibodies for it. if you're going to tell me that just having covid is somehow more dangerous (and creates larger cytokine storms) than purposefully triggering a huge immune response (and therefore a huge cytokine storm) with a vaccine, then I don't know what to tell you, you're just lost.
Also, as usual, the article you cited does not measure the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. for all I know, everyone who experienced ARDS or a cytokine storm in that study was already vaccinated.
Canadian feds threw away 13.6 million doses of vaccines because no one wanted them around the world - see image
CDC data shows that more people died of covid vaccine than any other vaccine combined in the last 30 years - see image
CDC won't release review of post-vaccination heart inflammation 10.11.22 (obviously because it got worse after vaccination) - see image
eggs now cause blood clots apparently 1.24.23 (they had to start making shit up like this because they didn't want to admit that it was the vaccines causing it) - see image
fact check says covid doesn't cause cancer in 11.21, then global epidemic of cancer in 10.22 - see image
I can go on and on, I have about 50 more of these.
well i asked if you knew anyone personally because they're obviously a more reliable source. if you just "ran across people" that doesn't give me much confidence in what they say. do you think that the vast majority of people suffering from "long covid" didn't get the vax, or do you think they did?
no, actually the majority of people didn't get vaccinated. so you're saying that you do believe most ppl suffering from "long covid" are vaccinated, so then I'm not sure why you're so adamant that "long covid" isn't just the effects of the vaccine. you're admitting a strong correlation already.
I forgot where I saw it, but the news said that something like only 30% of people (in the US) got vaccinated. They were talking about it like it's a bad thing; like "we've done so much to try and convince the public but only 30% of them have gotten vaccinated". The numbers were wildly dishonest throughout the entire thing so I wouldn't be surprised if the 70% number is also a lie. But regardless, this was a side issue.
As for the second point, most people I've heard who got covid describe it as similar to a flu, sometimes with an aweful headache and extreme lethargy for about 2 days. This whole thing about damaging multiple organs and passing the blood brain barrier is all true of the vaccine, not necessarily covid itself. covid is very similar to a flu in how it travels through the body.
Many typical viruses have spike proteins, that's how they're able to infect us in the first place. But with the vaccine, there were multiple instances of people on live tv experiencing "cytokine storms" from the intense immune response that the vaccine gave. Some people literally fell over and passed out within seconds. This is the kind of stuff that causes heart and other organ damage. I'm not sure if you saw this, but autopsies were done on multiple people who died (all had gotten the vaccine), and in all of them, they found long stringy alien fibrous tissue in their hearts and other parts of their body. This was never a thing before covid; the medical examiners never saw this before in their careers, and this was not found in bodies that never got the vaccine.
> It's more similar to Dengue fever and HIV. This website says that covid and the flu are basically the same in every way, with minor differences like an extra 1-2 days of having the virus before showing symptoms, and covid spreading faster than the flu: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/flu-vs-covid19.htm
maybe we can use it on the left more, with this in mind? seems like kiwifarms hit the left pretty good, considering how hard they went after him to remove things they hoped no one would see