@freezr yes, I even tried to test it, but the instance died. Doesn't seem like there's any active developers either. If someone put up an active Friendica instance with developers and a focus on UX (especially for mobile) I would give them money. Though, as the lead developer left for Hubzilla, that might be a better option. Still, an organization of sorts, with a vision and a plan to make a decentralized Facebook replacement is needed for something to happen.
So about #FreeOurFeeds and social media without billionaires: who do I have to give money to if I want someone to build a good alternative to Facebook? Built on #ActivityPub or other actually decentralized protocols? And who makes something I can convince my friends to use (ie someone whi uses as much time on UX as on anything else)?
@goatsarah This is an interesting take, the basilisk framing makes sense! But I still don't get what the trigger is. What is the SOMETHING you refer to? Do you know?
I'd like to understand it, because I like to understand why people think the way they do, especially when I disagree with them. I can't fathom TERFs. It doesn't make sense, it is so irrational. With ordinary bigotry is possible to understand where it's coming from. Racism kind of makes sense, conservative transphobia and homophobia kind of makes sense, etc. The position that trans women is a threat to cis women is a complete mystery to me. It is, as you say, fucking stupid.
@Kels_316 they won't. They never will. They will be progressive when that's the easiest route forward. If there's a strong progressive movement they will support it, but they won't do anything to help build it. @ayoub
@baldur UBI would end up as libertarian in most cases, unless you nearly dismantle capitalism first. And if you do that, you don't really need UBI as such...
@forteller Ja gatene der jeg bor er jo oppkalt etter kongenavn (Sverres gates, Eiriks gate, Håkons gate etc), men uten noen spesifisering av hvilken konge, så de kan jo fint få nye navn. Det er riktignok en Gunhilds gate også, men ingen har faktisk adresse i den.
Ellers glimrende ide å kalle opp parker, det er jo masse småparker uten noe ordentlig navn.
@baldur Good post. This has been a flaw with FOSS for a long time. You can't build a sustainable model on pure voluntarism. FOSS is a great idea, but it either needs public funding or a model where the users pay for the development. There are a few companies that rely on FOSS and also contributes to it's development, (ie the user pays model), but way too many just treat it as free (as in beer) software. Public funding is probably a more reliable route. It could be a variant of user pay along with the "public money, public code"-principle, but (some) software should be treated as infrastructure that needs public investment.
Still hoping for some kind of #ActivityPub replacement for Facebook events. There seems to some old discussions about it, but no progress since '21. There's #Mobilizon, but it is a Meetup replacement mostly. The ability to promote your event is what's missing, and that is something Mobilizon says it won't do, so it's not an option for most of the events that are on Facebook. As Facebook sucks, the events feature is what keeps most people on the platform, and a working replacement could make the #Fediverse mainstream.
@cstross That actually goes for all social democratic parties in Europe at the moment. It's PASOKification 2.0, where the centre-left gains power only by being the "less-totally-fucked-up"-party, and trying to keep the fuckups under the lid (AKA stability) is the limits of their political program.
@forteller@thomasrost Så voksne kriminelle skal kjøpe cannabis på apoteket før de selger det videre til mindreårige...? Dette holder ikke helt. Nederland har jo legalt salg av cannabis, det hindrer ikke akkurat organisert kriminalitet eller salg til mindreårige. Jeg er for avkriminalisering, men jeg synes ikke dette argumentet om at man kan bekjempe "kriminelle gjenger" bare man legaliserer holder mål. Det er mye som hjelper mot kriminelle gjenger, men legalisering er ikke akkurat på topp ti-lista der.
X/Twitter is huge in Latin America, but now would be a good moment to push for large adoption of #Mastodon in Latin America. > “We cannot live in a society in which billionaires domiciled abroad have control of social networks and put themselves in a position to violate the rule of law, failing to comply with court orders and threatening our authorities. Social peace is non-negotiable,” Jorge Messias wrote on X.
@anarchismhub Seems like there's lots of hidden stories of anarchism and socialism in the US, I've never heard of these collectives before, I wasn't even aware that such things existed in the early 1900s.
@buttondown instead of having trying to guess that something is a Mastodon post you probably need to create an "embed Mastodon post" thing and just assume whatever gets in it is a Mastodon post. @tchambers
A random mix of my personal life and my thoughts on antifascism, open source tech, tech politics, other politics, more politics, libertarian communism and related ideas.(add a language filter if you have limited interest in Norwegian stuff and want to follow me)TTRPG-stuff now moved to @audunmb