@feditips Although a warning for new users thinking of trying Tusky: for reasons known only to the author it doesn't include the Trending Posts feed, so you're going to be missing out on one of the most important features to help you get started and discover accounts to follow.
@goatsarah Sites like Twitter always had this thread decontextualising problem too, although they do show that a post is part of a thread at least. Some Fedi clients do the same or better, like the one I'm on at the mo:
@solarbear@Mastodon This ship has already sailed, for better or for worse—quote posts have already been implemented in most of the top-end third party apps, and there's little Mastodon can do about it other than follow suit. E.g., here's how Phanpy.social shows QTs:
@Gargron It'd be helpful to clarify what "QT" means here.
Twitter #QTs work more as a kind of "alt-reply" function, more "branching off a conversation" than simply linking to a post, with 3 essential attributes:
1. The other post is displayed as if it's a seamless part of ones own 2. The other person is notified just as with a reply or @-mention 3. QTs are listed under "x Quoted Posts" under the original post
When one says "I want QTs", is this what one means? Would anything less be enough?