I just sent the server admins for sanjuans.life $20 for their continued work keeping our little corner of the #fediverse running.
Please consider doing the same, in any amount, for your instance admin.
I just sent the server admins for sanjuans.life $20 for their continued work keeping our little corner of the #fediverse running.
Please consider doing the same, in any amount, for your instance admin.
@tchambers TIL Amanda Marcotte is on Mastodon. That's an instant follow for me.
@evacide You'll have the golden opportunity to discard your previous 'do no parm' directive, so there's that.
@liztai For some hopefully helpful additional context: https://infosec.exchange/@littlealex/112813425122476301
@liztai During my travels in SEA, as an obvious westerner, whenever I saw food prices start to look like home, my alarm would kick in to overdrive as I looked for the most viable way out.
English menus were the best cue. In KL, I would escape & find some wellpriced, comforting murtabak and teh tarik elsewhere.
That said, KL confounds me. I like it a lot but I never puzzled it out. I can groove with George Town, Phnom Penh, Chaing Mai, Hanoi, etc. but not there. Don't know why.
@liztai Noun declension spins my brain. I sincerely hope you do better than I did.
I spent most my 20s living within walking distance of the #SantaCruz #GiantDipper. As a crazy #RollerCoaster enthusiast, I managed to get over 600 rides on it.
This May, it celebrates its 100th anniversary. https://beachboardwalk.com/giant-dipper-100th-anniversary
I live far away now and the nostalgia is heavy. I wish all the best for those lucky enough to attend.
@onceuponacoaster, tagging you just 'cause.
@liztai Back in the before times, I did an annual event I called 'Drinkies'. I announced a bar somewhere in the world, a date and time. There was no other organization. Anyone was invited. Who ever showed up just showed up. Any other activities that spun off were spontaneous from the participants.
It was a blast.
I'm not one for superhero stories typically but #Moving has me completely. Its carefully calculated slow start is important. I found myself immersed around episode 3.
@evan Version-controlled configuration files managed with enforcement, DR, and reproducibility. So, Puppet/Bolt or some equivalent.
For #SanJuanCounty but especially #OrcasIsland folks, Orcas Bakery is crowdfunding their startup costs for a presumed opening in Spring.
Today might be a fine day to support our local businesses.
Here's the crowdfunding: https://crowdfundr.com/orcas-bakery-launch?ref=ab_ACCWpl1u7AfACCWpl1u7Af
Here's the main website: https://www.orcasbakery.com/
@lowqualityfacts Journalists: what do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?
Me: Nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scalar.
@carnage4life I have been occasionally scolded for my 'messy' PRs that muck out disfunction, realign ancillary internal methods & data structures and/or otherwise embrace my inner Fowler. The PR diffs are ugly AF but some of them are things I am most proud of.
To the topic: lately I feel sometimes our PR/user story approach encourages the employment of duck tape by encouraging change that fully satisfies stated requirements, makes for easy-to-read PRs, but loses the plot along the way.
Put it in a ripping-hot 500F oven for 20 minutes.
It's done. Let cool for about 10 minutes before attempting to slice.
@jimcarroll Hello from {ihnp4,harpo,ucscc}!sco!ericg
“You keep popping into my head like whales. Even though you’re not one"#OrcasIsland denizen.Snooping around for: #travel #food #cooking #booze #FoodHistory #politics #rollercoasters #whales #birds #cats #dogs #scuba #music #theater #BurningManSometimes I might talk about: #devops #linux #ReleaseEngineering #Ruby #Perl #Forth #DigitalPrivacy Other relevants: #AntiFascist #PNW #SanJuanIslands
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