@RustyCrab@Moon I only do that for NYT and WaPo -- sites that actually paywall. The New Yorker doesn't paywall for their articles so your schoolmarming me is not apropos to this particular linking.
Also, there's always the "I am not here to make your life easier" and "go do it yourself, biiiiitch"
But I do use archive.li for NYT and WaPo but not for The New Yorker or other sites that allow Social Visitors to access their content.
Also, fuck you for leaning on the OK Boomer bullshit.
By "special places" they must mean "protected, censored, safe space for an extremist left?" If that's the definition then, yes, it was a special place. Extremely short bus.
What We Lost When Twitter Became X | The New Yorker
Maybe this explains stuff @adam @johncdvorak@noauthority.social vis-à-vis "Chocolate Emmys"
> The term "Chocolate City" referring to Washington, D.C., has its roots in the early 1970s. It primarily emerged from the significant African American presence and influence in the city. During this time, Washington D.C. had a majority Black population, which played a crucial role in shaping the city's culture, politics, and social dynamics.
@BowsacNoodle it's even more fun than that: "In underwater diving, narcosis (nitrogen narcosis, inert gas narcosis, raptures of the deep, Martini effect) is a reversible change in consciousness that occurs while a person is diving at deep depths. Certain gases at high-pressure cause an anesthetic effect that alters a diver's consciousness."
> The U.N. human rights office called on the state of Alabama to halt its first planned execution of a prisoner by nitrogen gas asphyxiation this month, saying it could violate US commitments under international law.
How many days before American and Israel Intelligence starts leaking all the Dirty Laundry they've acquired over the last 75-years about the global leadership and nation-states that are participating in the ICJ genocide case against Israel? Oopsie!