@georgetakei Maybe if those critics were busy volunteering to fight forest fires or to aid refugee victims who are homeless, they would be too busy to be critical. If they don't have enough time to help, they ought not to have enough time to open their big mouths.
Notices by William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Thursday, 16-Jan-2025 00:51:56 JST William B Peckham
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 00:25:44 JST William B Peckham
@georgetakei Perhaps you lack perspective. ( You know, because of with one eye and no binocular vision, you've.... never mind. I'm gone.)
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 10-Jan-2025 03:53:49 JST William B Peckham
@aral I don't know who you think you're talking to, but you should be talking to the administrator of your Mastodon site. Each individual site has an individual administrator and that administrator is the one who can decide to allow or block on their site. If they all choose to block, then we don't have to deal with that. If yours doesn't, you might have to move to another site with an administrator who won't put up with this.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Sunday, 05-Jan-2025 17:51:08 JST William B Peckham
@rms To sign the petition, it wants at a minimum, my name, my zip code, and my email address, and a phone number. And there's a note there that they may send me SMS messages or emails. It does not allow me to sign without providing all of that. If you will not or cannot provide a phone number or they can SMS you, you can't sign the form. Or at least not at the page that your link leads to.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Sunday, 05-Jan-2025 14:43:26 JST William B Peckham
@rms The form will not allow me to sign the petition without my going out and buying a mobile phone and then giving them the number. I'm not doing that.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 13-Dec-2024 06:09:36 JST William B Peckham
@phaedral @jaykuo Anything in the line of a fairness doctrine would require force of law behind it. Getting anything like that through this Congress would be different at best and getting it through the next Congress is going to be worse. The best thing we can hope for is sanity at the midterms.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 01:08:00 JST William B Peckham
@georgetakei Nobody messes with Grandma!
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024 07:05:50 JST William B Peckham
@georgetakei if only! ♪♪ ♪♪ Living at a lighthouse for retirement sounds absolutely wonderful. At least as long as you're relatively healthy.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 02:51:02 JST William B Peckham
@thomasfuchs @ask I have used a basic on CP/M, on an Interact model J. Microsoft did not invent BASIC. BAS, Chipmonk, or YABASIC are among the viable options that might be leveraged. Microvideo 8k color basic (written for the 8080/Z80 cpus) might be an option for compatible platforms. Basic did exist before Microsoft did exist, so don't be limited by Microsoft.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 01:56:49 JST William B Peckham
@thomasfuchs @ask That is absolutely not true. I was using two different basic interpreters before Microsoft existed.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 03:17:03 JST William B Peckham
@georgetakei but they could not talk about it in Klingon! nuqneH!
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2024 23:25:16 JST William B Peckham
@praetor @augieray I think that, in the USA, the CDC gave up. The only people following their epidemic protocols and best guidance don't need to hear it again, and the rest of the country isn't going to follow it anyway. The last numbers I could count on said 2,000 dead per week and increasing in the USA, but the CDC either stopped tracking it or stopped reporting it: good numbers are now hard to get. PS: my family still wears the mask.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2024 23:25:15 JST William B Peckham
@augieray @praetor when I go to the CDC covid tracker page the only numbers are in percentages up or down rather than numbers, and if you try to sign up for the summary email it responds with the message "The CDC News & Updates information you are trying to subscribe to is no longer available."
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2024 23:25:12 JST William B Peckham
@praetor @augieray I have a problem seeing "ignore the doctors and just drink tea" in the middle of an epidemic being a sensible thing!
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2024 13:57:16 JST William B Peckham
@rms but the first warning came from independent scientists in 1912. While there is no excuse for them, there is little excuse for the rest of us either.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 13:13:14 JST William B Peckham
@dsfgs @rms Don't worry about the location data that Google has, a quick request to your ISP will get a track of everywhere your phone has ever been while it was turned on. Some ISPs don't even require a search warrant.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Friday, 22-Dec-2023 00:32:16 JST William B Peckham
@tchambers @mastodonusercount Part of the entire point of the Fediverse is that you cannot track it that way, or at least not easily or accurately. It is not only distributed and decentralized, it is fluid and ever-changing. And that is by design.
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William B Peckham (wbpeckham@techhub.social)'s status on Thursday, 09-Nov-2023 09:06:57 JST William B Peckham
@georgetakei The conservatives want to defund the police but have the liberals take the blame for that.