@AnarchoNinaWrites The Dem leadership has enough self-awareness to imagine *their *heads on pikes if political violence gets more common. The GOP, not so much.
@ryanhoulihan I think the American experiment worked better when other countries had violent revolutions where the poor killed the rich in very ugly ways.
@WarnerCrocker Hardly gods among mortals - they bicker and snark with their neighbors over bullshit just like in any booshie suburb, apparently. If they need the income, they have more lucrative options.
They wake up in the morning and decide to go to work for some other reason. If their coworker is a flaming asshole, they might decide that there are more pleasant ways to spend their golden years besides dealing with the man's bullshit.
@WarnerCrocker There are sometimes coworkers so toxic that a team refuses to work with them. Sometimes that leads to management removing the problem, or sometimes it leads to people resigning and leaving.
Is Alito's behavior toxic enough to make other justices leave or refuse to work with him? Dissenting opinions are ultimately pointless.
Maybe the other justices stay in a bad court out of a sense of duty. Maybe they stay out of complicity.
@WarnerCrocker It's a fight between two groups of billionaires. One group wants more of the status quo to keep enriching themselves. The other group wants a more fascist status quo to enrich themselves while oppressing people they dislike.
The 99% are just pawns in a game between rich assholes.
@noondlyt The next step is tax-payer owned pharma factories to produce and sell tax-payer-owned patented pharma products and overpriced generic pharma products at cost + minimum profit. Contract out the operation of the factory and split the profits with the contractor.
This is how the US DoD buys weapons and tanks and nukes: Contractor-Operated, Government-Owned (COGO).
It would sure be nice to have on-shore pharma manufacturing capacity for the next pandemic, and to have a supplier for generic drugs for Medicare that doesn't price gouge.