Today, the good people of the world commemorate the passing of Google Reader eleven short years ago on July 1, 2013.
To honor their memory (and in leiu of flowers) please add an RSS, Atom, JSON or equivalent feed to your web site and keep building towards a web that connects people in meaningful and positive ways.
Dries rightly notes that Jamstack 2.0 shares *more* in common with monolithic/traditional stacks.
For me—I read this as a huge indictment of the broadened definition—it’s not a healthy evolution of the term if we must sacrifice technical clarity and simplicity to do so.
Banning TikTok shows the myopic vision of our lawmakers. The US needs comprehensive data privacy legislation that applies to *all social networks* and protects our data—and we needed it 15–20 years ago.
We’ll be talking about Jamstack, managing static/dynamic pieces side-by-side, the social ticketing images that were trending on Mastodon, web components, @buttondown and more!
@buttondown Safari ok, Chrome (not logged in) has the error (attached below), Firefox (logged in) has the error. Both FF and Chrome work fine in incognito mode.
I disabled all my Chrome extensions and it still exhibits the error—localStorage has a typescript value in there but sessionStorage, cookies, service workers are all empty.
@buttondown I should also note that this is a *low priority* issue (for me), not a blocker to anything I’m working on—if no one else has reported it, not a big deal!
Follow along to learn about web development news, best practices that “don’t work,” and web standards that are “not the future.”🫣 Go to🎈 Maintainer of :11ty: @eleventy🎉 Web Builder at :fontawesome: Font Awesome🌾 A random person from Nebraska maintaining software🕸️ Front of the front-end web developer🏳️⚧️ Listen to Trans Folks🌍 Keep building for the Web🧞 he/him/they🔎 #searchable