@lineplus Oui, je sais pour ces points. Actuellement la structure allemande salarie une développeuse française, via une boîte de portage qui prend une marge significative. Si on a une structure en france, on devrait pouvoir la salarier en CDI directement et éviter ces frais. On a aussi besoin d'une structure en france pour rejoindre certains programmes publics débloquant des aides, donc je cherche un peu ce qu'il est possible de faire.
On (l'équipe Mastodon) réfléchit à créer une branche française de la structure Mastodon sous forme d'association 1901, dans le but principal de pouvoir salarier des gens en France et de rejoindre des programmes de subventions/aides. C'est un sujet complexe légalement au niveau des liens (gouvernance, finance), résultat je cherche un juriste spécialisé (fiscalité internationale ?) pour discuter du sujet. Des recommandations ? SI possible un•e utilisateur•ice :)
@nbirckel Sa durée de validité a été prolongée de 5 ans (15 ans total) pour info. C'est valable partout en France, mais à l'étranger c'est parfois pas possible.
@wravoc Yes, there are a lot of solutions to the problem. And they take a lot of time to think about and implement properly. We do not have time to work on such large features at the moment, we are barely managing keeping things up.
But I disagree with you on something, moderation and safety must come first and not be an afterthought.
@wravoc Doing this opens up a lot of vectors that can be abused. For example, should we have the imported posts submitted through the new server moderation? @jerry
@rolle I do not have the context, but I assume this has been done so the embed is simple HTML + CSS without any Javascript. I am not sure why (performance? security?) and do not know this makes sense nowadays, as it is loaded from an iframe and most embeds use JS @simotenas
@rolle I had a look and this is much more complex than what I thought, as this embed view is generated by Rails and is fully independent from the main UI, which is rendered using React. I was not expecting that, and I do not have a quick way to port the hashtag changes or the icon changes to this view… @simotenas
@joshua No real news, we are still thinking on the best way for this to work on the protocol (ActivityPub) level, and are discussing it with a few other AP implementers. We expect to be able to show some work in the coming months. It will also depend if we manage to get funding for the feature (we applied for some EU programs) @taylorlorenz@caseyliss
@joshix True, this can work but I dont expect most people to know about this, and implement it. Also we *will* remove namespace/prefix support at some point, there is not much choice here for us.
@joshix Yes, if you care about your instances being fully isolated from each other, then you need to have at least 1 Redis server per instance. But this is even worse when using namespaces :) @francis
Co-Founder & CTO @notosFull Stack Architect, from datacenter to frontend.Mastodon core team member & CTO #mastodevTechnical administrator for mastodon.social & mastodon.online (and oisaur.com :oisaur:) #mastoadminAlso #lego, #boardgames and #woodworking