The bell for the last task of the night started chiming before I got to my station. I had the office to myself, and a mug of espresso. It was time to start tracking zombies.
I took the mug of espresso from the beverage table, and zigzagged through the darkened cube farm toward the one strip of floor still lit for third shift staff, only me.
Zombies are orphan Internet services. They wander aimlessly, trying to execute some programmed task. They can’t actually infect anything, but otherwise the name is about right. TrueNet’s everywhere now and has been for twenty years, but Japan never quite sorted out what to do with all the legacy servers that were stranded after the Lockout. So you get all these zombies shuffling around, firing off mails to non-existent addresses, pushing ads no one will see, maybe even sending money to non-existent accounts. The living dead.
@yosh my airvisual pro stopped measuring pm2.5 concentrations a couple of years ago (internal fan doesn’t spin, or something), but the co2 sensor is still fine. with the bedroom windows and doors closed at night for 12 hours, the co2 level climbs to over 1200 by the morning.
i don’t have a choice here – my pm2.5 levels stay over 200 for several weeks on end in the winter months. i have a good air purifier, but it doesn’t do anything for co2.
@apps i’m sorry, there is something that doesn’t seem right about this. i went to settings > extra features, and turned the extra features on (i left the post format as text/plain). then, i went to an earlier post of mine and replied to it twice, once with the post format as text/plain, and once as text/markdown. i posted, in order:
*italic* as plain
*italic* as markdown
when i view the posts in fedilab, the first one shows up properly italicized, but the second one doesn’t. when i view them in pleroma-fe (or husky), the order is reversed – the first one isn’t italicized, but the second one is.
in the db, the first one:
"source": {
"content": "*italic* as plain.",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"content": "*italic* as plain.",
the second one:
"source": {
"content": "*italic* as markdown",
"mediaType": "text/markdown"
"content": "<p><em>italic</em> as markdown</p>",
i think there are two issues here.
the second one should show up italicized in fedilab.
if fedilab can parse the first one as markdown when it’s displaying it to the user (even though the media type is text/plain), it should probably also post it to the server as text/markdown when the user creates it – it could guess that, or ask the user perhaps?
can i get you to please try husky, the tusky fork that supports markdown? it shows an “M” button to switch to markdown, and it seems to work as i’d expect. it’s on f-droid and the play store. i believe husky doesn’t try to guess the type from the content.
@apps i might be wrong here, but it seems like when you make a markdown post with fedilab, it uses the mediaType of text/plain. is that correct? shouldn’t that be text/markdown?
i can enter markdown natively in pleroma, using its default frontend. here’s the difference i see in the db: