@charliebrownau@DW2 I was there once. I hope someone can make that system work. Deep down I suspect any economic system would work better than our current one, we have to socially ignore Human Biological Diversity and Jewish power.
They are a parasite caste of humanity which must be sheafed off if we want to do great things.
@threalist@LukeAlmighty@sickburnbro Even if they turn back, customers have already lost all trust in them anyway. Just look at the CensorStation for example. Everything is woke, almost no PS5 exclusives, even 1st and 2nd party devs went multiplatform because they know nobody wants a PS5, and the only reason they're still around is because of the ESG bloat.
This is soycialism, they no longer need to care about the consoomers, as long as they go as woke as possible, BlackCock and Vanguard just take care of them instead. If we really had a capitalist society, ESG wouldn't even exist in the first place, and they really had to serve the market in order to survive. Meanwhile, lefties still don't seem to get it.
@xianc78@deadheat@Duine@lina@dia The main difference is that Discucked got subverted into only allowing ancoms (or soycialists or communists or tankies, same thing anyway, except ancoms actually know computers unlike the others), whereas XMPP has an ancom atmosphere simply because very few people in other tribes even consider giving XMPP a try because "it's so hard" (no, it isn't).
@TerminalAutism AMD's Ryzen GPU's are open source drivers, not libre, but still OSS, so libre drivers can be made out of it. Nvidia outright refuses to open source their drivers even though they keep using open source code all the time, so Nouveau will never get at the level the proprietary Nvidia drivers are, and if it does then the card is already long outdated.
Don't forget that your average Nvidia user tends to be a PC gamer, so to them by the time Nouveau finally supports the graphics card these gamers use, the gamers have long replaced it for a newer one.
@h4890@charliebrownau Lack of a real DeltaChat client is what makes me not use it. The official client is not a real desktop client, it's Electron, which is basically a headless Chromium browser that can only run 1 website. There's apparently a command line frontend, but it's SoyScript. https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-cli
Everything fits together perfectly, she's literally a fraudster, Fortune considered her "The World's 19 Most Disappointing Leaders", born in the magic year 1984, and she looks like a literal downie.
@udon@Paultron@charliebrownau@kleeneks It really makes me want to fork that browser, and implement blocking 3rd party contents really. CDNs must fucking die, the only reason it still doesn't die is because all browsers still keep allowing it. Just host all your stuff on your own domain or subdomain, anything not in your control can be linked to using "a href" tags.
@Giganova8@JapanAnon@DarkMahesvara I to believe they only reversed because too many people took note, and are preparing on bringing the bullshit back the moment everyone stopped paying attention. It's not the first time they've done exactly that, and in the end them relying on credit card companies while also trying to keep making money at the same time is basically like having to balance on 2 thin strings, and either side can snap any moment.
@Zerglingman@h4890 That's how normies are. They'd take questionable advertisement for granted, but people they know how advanced knowledge of computers immediately dismiss you if you're not in line with the PR campain.
@PhenomX6 Well, they're not wrong. The only people who got the covAIDS are those who believe in it, and those who believe in it have a very small brain that keeps on shrinking if it's not vanished yet by now.
@udon@Paultron@charliebrownau@kleeneks Fucking hell... They're always finding new ways to watch you once their current techniques become public knowledge, don't they? Guess it might be time to just start using Netsurf full time then.
yup.Pronouns: whichever the fuck you want, I don't care about whether you see me as a dude or a bitch.Political orientation: none, free human beings don't pick a side.Religion: no dogma.Birthplace: Earth.Current location: some Buddhist temple in east Asia I guess.Race: Lamborghini.Gender: kebab.Ethnicity: drawing.Native language: the one my parents speak.Wealth: when I was 18, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.Blood type: lemme check between my legs...nothing I guess?Tastes as: 肉まん.