@xianc78 Last time I heard somebody quoting official soyces, they said it was the entire country, including Kiev and everything else. Although it makes sense considering that people literally in Ukraina couldn't find any war there, and Dombas has been the globohomo's personal playing field for decades now, and all they do to "start a war" is to just re-announce it on the fake news once every decade.
@xianc78 Ukrainians: "our whole country is getting bombarded, what shall we do daddy government?" Ukraina government: "I know! Let's go green, inclusive, and technology driven!"
@JapanAnon The reply didn't come through, no. But in the case of the one that did get through, the images were borked. The instance favicon, the profile picture, and the attached image included.
@kleeneks I'd recommend proxychains-ng over torsocks personally. The former can be configued to anything including Tor and I2P and is written in C, while the latter is locked into Tor-only and is written in Pysoy.
旧茶番毒チン希望の未就学児男児、低学年女児(バカ)に大人用(12歳以上)の新型茶番毒チンを"誤接種"。(大阪府吹田市) Preschool children who wanted a flu lethal injection (idiots) "mistakingly" being given the covAIDS lethal injections for adults (12 years and up). (Osaka, Suita City) https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQCY5G7SQCYPPTB002.html
10歳以下の児童に希釈していない新型茶番毒チンを"誤接種"。(群馬県藤岡市) Child under 10 years old "mistakenly" got the covAIDS lethal injection undilutedly. (Gunma, Fujioka City) https://www.jomo-news.co.jp/articles/-/201000
旧茶番毒チン希望の小学生男児(バカ)に白痴毒チンを"誤接種"。(島根県江津市) Lower school boy (idiot) who wanted the flu lethal injection "mistakenly" got the moronic lethal injection. (Shimane, Gotsu City) https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/204713?display=1
yup.Pronouns: whichever the fuck you want, I don't care about whether you see me as a dude or a bitch.Political orientation: none, free human beings don't pick a side.Religion: no dogma.Birthplace: Earth.Current location: some Buddhist temple in east Asia I guess.Race: Lamborghini.Gender: kebab.Ethnicity: drawing.Native language: the one my parents speak.Wealth: when I was 18, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.Blood type: lemme check between my legs...nothing I guess?Tastes as: 肉まん.