旧茶番毒チン希望の未就学児男児、低学年女児(バカ)に大人用(12歳以上)の新型茶番毒チンを"誤接種"。(大阪府吹田市) Preschool children who wanted a flu lethal injection (idiots) "mistakingly" being given the covAIDS lethal injections for adults (12 years and up). (Osaka, Suita City) https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQCY5G7SQCYPPTB002.html
10歳以下の児童に希釈していない新型茶番毒チンを"誤接種"。(群馬県藤岡市) Child under 10 years old "mistakenly" got the covAIDS lethal injection undilutedly. (Gunma, Fujioka City) https://www.jomo-news.co.jp/articles/-/201000
旧茶番毒チン希望の小学生男児(バカ)に白痴毒チンを"誤接種"。(島根県江津市) Lower school boy (idiot) who wanted the flu lethal injection "mistakenly" got the moronic lethal injection. (Shimane, Gotsu City) https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/204713?display=1
@ryo ...and kid who cried to mother "please I don't want to go to school, I fear the school shootings!" get sent to school only to get shot in the head n die while police stand around. Idiot child huh?