“They appear to be deeply damaged people and they have come to damage everything else, including the climate; human rights, especially women’s rights, trans rights and immigrants’ rights; and the US economy. The rest of us and the rest of the world will be the cleanup crew because men like this never clean up after themselves.”
Susan B. Anthony is the suffragist who gets the attention, but I most admire Dr. Alice Stokes Paul, Sojourner Truth, & Lucretia Coffin Mott. They have my gratitude when I vote. I encourage learning about these remarkable women; this post focuses on Alice Paul, who died in 1977 (when I was in high school!) Learn about her at these websites:
Hmmm… what to give Kamala Harris for her birthday today? She already has brains, beauty, warmth, integrity, self-assurance, wit, a loving family, an impressive résumé, & big enthusiastic crowds at her rallies… 🤔 I know! Today I will give her this… #KamalaHarris2024#VoteBlue#VoteEarly#HappyBirthdayKamala
“When we vote, we 🗳️ for wildlife that will live or die depending on the outcome of this election. We 🗳️ for women & girls whose fundamental rights are at stake. We 🗳️ for poor communities & communities of color that will suffer more pollution, loss of healthcare, education equality & even loss of voting rights if the wrong candidate wins…. Our work…[is] to promote Kamala Harris, whom we wholeheartedly endorse… & to educate those who may be inclined to sit out the election.” https://centeractionfund.org/
@wdlindsy@nutmeg William, your reply made me recall this story, “The Divided Blanket,” which I copied when I was 14 from my grandmother’s collection of her favorite poems, quotes, & short stories. (Her version identified its origin as Russian, but I’ve seen more modern versions identified as French). I can’t find it online, so typed it up as an email and took this screenshot…
@ChanceyFleet I *have* wondered, and really appreciate your sharing this! (And I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s now going to have you in mind when composing ALT image descriptions! 😊)
1/2 At times my #genealogy research wanders from my 🌳 a bit & is rewarded. Edward Foote Waite (1860-1958), the Minneapolis 👨⚖️ who presided over my grandmother’s adoption hearings in 1915, could travel to 2024 & get back to work where he left off: “a tenacious fraud spotter”… committed “to juvenile justice & children’s rights”… He was awarded a🏅for outstanding civic service by The Inter-Racial Council in 1934 & the B’nai B’rith award for interracial public service in ‘46… https://www.mnopedia.org/person/waite-edward-foote-1860-1958
2/2 And in 1949, Waite wrote, “Jefferson’s Wall of Separation: What and Where?” in support of the separation of church & state (the screenshot below is its final paragraph): https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/mlr/1210/
If you haven’t watched Amanpour’s interview with historian #HeatherCoxRichardson yet, please do. She starts by discussing the SCOTUS rulings, then at about the 4:00 mark she talks about the debate, and at the 5:00 minute mark she talks about what would happen if Biden were replaced as the candidate… https://youtu.be/Wnw6JmXOzpk?si=7h0XiWqvsar1010i&t=298
Two germane #quotes from #GeorgeWashington’s Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 19 Sep 1796 (he warned us)…
"However [political parties] may now & then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time & things to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, & unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people & to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
@birdpoof@StillIRise1963 And our enmity isn’t confined to our own species, which so often seems dedicated to proving itself unworthy of the self-bestowed name Homo sapiens (“wise humans”).
Had to run some errands this morning & on our way home we passed this magnificent pink & white “raspberry swirl” dogwood. It inspired such a sudden outburst of exuberance from me that my husband (safely) executed a near bat-turn so I could hop out & get these photos. 😍 “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” ~”Lady Bird” Johnson
Nature & animal lover, vegan since 2000, I enjoy libraries, genealogy, & solitude. Be humble, for you are made of earth.Be noble, for you are made of stars.~Serbian proverb“Stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.” ~William Gaddis Avatar: Cartoon of Earth in an “I’m with Stupid” shirt; the arrow under the words point to a man in a shirt that says “Mankind”, picking his nose.Header: night photo of an illuminated American flag at half-mast, surrounded by darkness.