Ich habe ja die letzten Tage relativ viel über die IAAP gesagt. Wenn jemand noch einen Beweis dafür braucht, dass das ein absoluter Scheißverein ist, muss man nur kurz auf deren Website vorbeischauen: https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/s/about/team
Das Leitungsteam der Organisation besteht aus 29 Personen. Bei ZWEI davon gibt es in deren Vorstellungstexten einen persönlichen Bezug zu Behinderung, bei einer der beiden davon nur durch ein blindes Kind. Der Rest sind nichtbehinderte Akademiker*innen und Medienprofis.
Ein Gründach hat soooo viele Vorteile. Für Mensch, Gebäude und die Umwelt.
☀️Es schützt die Dachhaut vor Schäden durch Hitze und UV-Strahlen 🐝 Es ist ein kleines Biotop für Pflanzen und Insekten 🥵 Es kühlt das Gebäude und evtl. vorhandene Solarmodule ⛈️ Es hält Starkregen länger zurück, bevor dieser in die Kanalisation gelangt 🤩 Es sieht toll aus!
@schratze Some or all sharks give life births and some shark babies eat each other in the womb and some sharks (I think sand sharks) have two wombs so that two babies will survive
Imagine there’s a button that when pressed would immediately change your body from what you have now, to that of a goose. You can only press the button once. When pressed everyone will have known you in this new form the whole time, so there’s no social impact at all.
@samhainnight@hannu_ikonen yep. The maga property we’re trapped on, theres a 19 yo boy that has like 30 chickens, ducks, turkey, quail, etc. pets that live free range. Fully free range. A few months ago I said something about not wanting the bird shit everywhere I walk, and all around the guest house we rent. You know, ‘cause of the rampant bird flu. 😷 He scoffed & told me “HIS” birds would never get exposed to that. They really think everything bad is made up by dems.
@DEDGirl@hannu_ikonen For a lot of people, they have to learn the hard way. If it doesn't effect them or someone in their immediate circle, then it's not real. But as soon as it does, oh the outrage! Why hasn't someone DONE something about this problem they themselves didn't care about the day before!
I've got free time this evening. Unfortunately I'm also tired as a dog, after a bunch of nights with not enough sleep. (Stupid brain keeps doing stupid things.)
I'd love to work on my solar powered web server, but I got stuck at an annoying bit, and I don't feel like dealing with annoying stuff tonight.
Maybe a quick side quest into finally building a proper vimrc?
@DEDGirl@samhainnight@hannu_ikonen And we've got concrete examples of this happening in Texas, of hospitals refusing care and people going septic and dying.
Developer, feminist, bi/pan, ace, on the spectrum, cis, white, Raumzeitlaborantin, gesichtsblind, Piratin. Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, strive for accessibility.Old account: https://mastodon.social/@GreenSkyOverMeCalcKey/Firefish/Sharkey: https://kitty.social/@GreenSkyOverMeSend me money: https://wise.com/pay/me/monikae10