@AkaSci it could be the same thing this time... but the latest dropout started *during* a flight. If the battery hit the critical "enter low-power mode NOW" level while above the ground it may not be in a 100% flyable state anymore :/
[source: am drone engineer on Earth, have accidentally cut motor power in flight before and observed the effects]
@inthehands@deirdresm But why ask a follow-up when you can just run off to publish SHOCKING: Person You Hate Said Outrageous Thing and get all the rage clicks you need?
@dalias@clive Yeah this is an obvious cause and it's weird that lighting wasn't mentioned in the article. I'm thinking 2008 is about when LED headlights started becoming prevalent, and with the added fun of SUVs mounting the "low" beams at eye level of a normal car, it doesn't matter whether people bother to turn off their high beams (which they don't, either).
Oncoming headlights are still the biggest issue though. I want glasses made out of some Clarke-tech metamaterial that doesn't dim most things but "takes the edge off" bright point sources.
@aral Good advice... in moderation. The trap is that temporary solutions can extremely easily turn permanent, especially under a deadline. But I'm feeling this recently, I'm working on porting a work thing from a deprecated API to the new API, and I started by copying the whole thing. I'll hopefully be able to merge it back together at the end, but that depends on how different the new API ends up being. Giving yourself permission to copy/paste can definitely break down the barrier to starting.
@foone@eevee "Average developer decompiles 100 programs per year" factoid actually just statistical error. Foone is an outlier and should not have been counted
@inthehands@seachanger I can remember one sarcastic reply along the lines of "can't believe you felt the need to CW that". Can't recall what the CW was, though. I know I happened to choose a well moderated instance. Maybe there are people who blocked me without announcing it for CWing too much or not enough. I also found the buried setting to disable DMs from nonfollowers, so it's possible someone tried to yell at me that way and failed (though I doubt I'm anywhere near visible enough for that)
@Riedl Ohhhhh it was because the workers unionized. That context was missing from all the headlines I previously saw about the chatbot. It's unfair labor practices every time, I should have guessed.
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