@7666@lxo@valhalla i will add that chats are really high-bandwidth and that's great for some things but i only got so much bandwidth in me and i really like email and fedi for the ability to just ignore it for hours and more or less get all the same info
@izzy only very major cities even have TV transmitters in the US, the vast suburban sprawl is too far away to pick up TV without a 20ft-above-horizon aerial. also in the US the cable companies have exceptions from the communications decency act so they can provide channels illegal to put to the air
@mischievoustomato@7666 in some really outlandish situation /maybe/ but i was mostly just exaggerating for shits and giggles. depends on how much you piss off the local government and have pedantic they get with the specific local laws. it's usually all just horseshit though
@7666 if you move to the middle of nowhere wont the latency from the edge to the actual lain.la servers go to shit. gonna put everything in/near the DC? gonna lay fiber direct to your ranch villa in minnesota?
@7666 let's play devil's advocate and ask; what should be done if the bureaucracy actually is engaged in some conspiracy (as alleged) to push some ideological thing?