Tik-Tok ban upheld? Good, now do X for election interference and facebook reels because its just as shit as tik-tok ever was.
Oh, you won't do that because Mark and Elon are puppeteering the government so hard, their hands are literally up the president's ass? who would've guessed.
@GossiTheDog They way they phrase it makes it seem like they're running their own shadow copy. I would be absolutely enraged if I discovered they were just piggybacking on shadow copies.
Another banger by watchtowr. Openconnect is an open-source VPN client that can be made to pretend its a VPN client for different VPNS, because of course, they all have a unique and serially miserable way of connecting to their special VPN appliance.
One of ivanti's connect methods is IF-T. There is a Client Capabilities field that IF-T supports that, if you provide it with more than 256bytes of data, boom, segfault. Also possible RCE if you can guess the right return addresses without knocking over the stack.
@cR0w I've long since burned out. I do my job with care, but the fact that utter shit product makes it out of the gate is the product of a capitalist ouroboros of shit. It isn't that developers cut corners. Its that companies cut corners on their behalf because there are no consequences for it.
The fact that HNAP vulnerabilties exist across a spectrum of IoT devices spanning over a fucking decade, and the answer to old devices that have these vulnerabilities is "well, buy a new one that is still supported 🤷" is proof that we live in a hellscape propped up by corporate greed.
Senior Security Researcher, Proofpoint Emerging Threats.I've been doing this cybersecurity thing for the better part of a decade now. Probably longer than that. I'm starting to forget. Time is relative, but it surely isn't kind to my memory.I'd like to think I do cybersecurity well, but blue teamers collectively get told they're doing it wrong constantly. So maybe I just failed forward throughout my career.Oh, I wrote a book. Its a good framework for setting up a virtual machine lab. See my bookmarked toots if you're curious.Work-Related hashtags:#Iocs #ThreatIntel #DFIR #Malware #NSM #suricata #snort #BEC #phishing #APT #ThreatDetectionHobbies:#VideoGames #XCOM2 #Minecraft #Synthetik #Fallout #Skyrim #Anime #Manga #Adventure #Fantasy #Isekai #HomeImprovement #WoodWorking #MetalWorking #HomeLab