I know this is unlikely to be the best place to discuss such things, but I would be really curious how those of you in the US with children are preparing for the foreseeable future. Obviously it's different to prepare for them to grow and hope and live than it is for an adult or adult couple to get by.
I came across an old LinkedIn sock that still works and y'all were not exaggerating, that place is a proper shit hole. It's like if Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and Nextdoor all took their comment sections and made a baby out of them and put a business suit on it and connected it into a bunch of enterprise software most of us are forced to use.
Random rant that if you are a vendor and publish your security advisories in a "feed" but do not make that "feed" available via RSS or ATOM, then you do not have a feed and you are part of the problem.
Puget Sound Energy, one of the largest utilities in the PNW, is hiring a risk analyst. Must be Washington-based. I know some of the people on that team and and it's a legit position they're filling, not a ghost job.
@buherator@silverwizard Of course. But the face of the company is the face of the company and criticism and mockery are fair, especially given the history of the org.
For those new to INFOSEC, keep in mind that the people in fursuits breaking "military grade" crypto will always trump people in business suits crying about "Cyber Pearl Harbor". This toot made for no reason in particular today.
So how tough is it to get a children's book published? Someone ( I'll just call them --sharks to protect their identity. No, wait, shell-- is better. ) is passing around terrible ideas and I'm not good at passing up terrible ideas. So I'm thinking a kids coloring book of the alphabet of *ishing . There has to be a market, right? Like RSA? All those orgs who can't figure out a proper acronym for their beloved Cybersecurity Awareness Month?
@silverwizard@jcrabapple@shellsharks It was something like "malicious PDF to mobile devices" and I guess since "mobile" starts with an "m" they thought that makes sense? IDK. I'm using that one because I want to call it out as bad.
Just another analyst chasing squirrels and pretending to know things.Anything stupid I say can and should be blamed on #AI. I mean, I don't intentionally use AI products, but if the AI snakeoilers can take credit for the things other people produce, they can also take the blame.