"Snam afferma che centrale e metanodotto sono “hydrogen ready, pronti quindi a veicolare molecole decarbonizzate”, salvo poi specificare “con miscele di idrogeno fino al 10%”. Quindi il 90% resterà metano."
Cinesi cattivi! Lo sanno tutti che l'efficienza del libero mercato è quando 10 aziende diverse fanno 10 copie della stessa cosa tutte e 10 fatte male cercando di segarsi le gambe a vicenda mentre i prezzi dell'hardware salgono all'infinito.
"In less than a week and a half, the consumption habits of an individual from this monied elite had already caused, on average, 2.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, according to analysis by Oxfam GB. It would take someone from the poorest 50% of humanity three years to create the same amount of pollution."
Never, ever trust the eco-fash scum pushing the overpopulation agenda, it's all about the rich and their obscene consumption.
Putin: *anni di finanziamenti ai partiti di estrema destra, manovre nel buio, propaganda disseminata nei media, plausible deniabilty ai massimi livelli*
Musk: "si dunque mi piacciono i fasci tedeschi, organizzo una diretta con loro sul mio social così gli faccio vincere le elezioni"
Questi sono talmente grezzi che fanno sembrare Putin un raffinatissimo genio politico ed è tutto dire
"Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker, who is overseeing pre-trial hearings for Luigi Mangione, is married to a former Pfizer executive and holds hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock, including in healthcare companies and pharmaceutical companies, according to her 2023 financial disclosures"
"La Corte penale internazionale (ICC), il principale tribunale internazionale per crimini di guerra e contro l’umanità, ha emesso un mandato d’arresto contro il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, e contro l’ex ministro della Difesa Yoav Gallant. I due sono accusati di crimini contro l’umanità e crimini di guerra commessi nella Striscia di Gaza tra l’8 ottobre 2023 (il giorno successivo all’attacco di Hamas contro Israele) fino ad almeno il 20 maggio 2024."
@breadandcircuses we wll go down in history as the first society to go extinct because 10 white dudes wanted to see who among them would end up being the first trillionaire
Ma dai, incredibile! Assolutamente nessuno avrebbe mai potuto pensare che in un paese in cui i padroni evadono TUTTO alla fine siamo noi poverə stronzə a tenere in piedi il baraccone...
"Israel has always sold the occupation as somehow being legal, and their actions as somehow being just and right, with these stupid claims of a “moral army.” There’s no moral army in the world — how do you morally kill people? They make these claims that you can go to the Israeli High Court, and every Palestinian knows there’s no justice to be achieved from a court that’s been set up as an arm of the occupation. Now, when they have a court looking from the outside and saying what they’re doing is illegal, it’s of course terrifying to them."
"Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project (...) Shell was able to sell 5.7 million tonnes of what Greenpeace describes as "phantom" credits, making more than $200 million for the company (...) In all, taxpayer funding has covered 93 per cent of the costs of Shell's Quest project to date, Greenpeace said."
Almost like the entire carbon capture business is a scam designed to profit from the climate change while doing nothing to address the real problems...
A friendly reminder that Albert Einsten, who was a Jew and witnessed what had happened to Jews in Europe, called the zionists a "terrorist organisation" when asked for support.
"Through a series of massacres, the Zionist forces led by the Haganah depopulated over 500 Palestinian towns and villages. (...) Palestine became empty. (...) Ben Gurion had to find people to fill the vacuum. (...) Zionists started the campaign to entice Arab Jews to immigrate to Israel. The first prize was Iraqi Jews, the most established and the richest of all Arab Jews. (...) Upon arrival in Israel, they were met with the humiliating treatment of spraying them with DDT, and housing them in ma’abarot, a transit camp of tents and shacks, not in the Kibbutzim where the Europeans resided. (...) Zionism not only turned the Palestinians into refugees; it turned the Jews of the East into strangers in their own land."
Zionism is deeply rooted in racism and colonialism and as such it must be destroyed.
“The need for communism transforms everything. Through the need for communism the need for non-work moves from the negative aspect (opposition to work) to the positive one: the individual’s complete availability to themselves, the possibility to express themselves absolutely freely, breaking away from all models, even those considered to be fundamental and indispensable such as those of production.” - Alfredo Bonanno, Armed Joy