There has to be some sort of German-esque compound noun for the disappointment, tinged with amusement and admiration for skills, that follows seeing something really neat and technically nerdy, then realising it’s not real, and a @NanoRaptor job 😆
I see what you’re trying to do, and broadly agree with the intent. But it’s a government department that is likely badly understaffed, overworked, and funded by the tax that comes out of *my* salary. I’m not going to make life worse for them, and everyone that genuinely relies on their services, in their personal and business lives, to make a point.
There are better ways to do this than giving this department more work to do
Omigod, @ianb just tuned me into the Feelgood Hit Of The Summer 😂😎
🎼 “I love doing cocaine with my friends It's a coked up friend adventure! I love doing cocaine with my friends The power of friendship will last forever!” 🎶
@gumnos@ItsThatDeafGuy@dalias yeah, me too. I have the advantage of still working at a uni with more bandwidth than it knows what to do with, and an endless supply of end of life server hardware. Hosting isn’t an issue to me.
But ISPs are progressively making it harder and harder to host stuff at home (CGNAT, particularly), despite rising link speeds.
Nowadays, you need a friendly sysadmin somewhere with spare bandwidth and rackspace, or money to pay a hosting provider
@dalias@gumnos@ItsThatDeafGuy yeah, the way the media is distributed is something AP will need to address in the future, I think. But P2P brings its own problems, notably caching, when AP is designed to enable editing and deleting of content in a timely manner. Someone in my replies mentioned blockchain 😂
@ItsThatDeafGuy@gumnos@dalias I believe (but could be very wrong) that “most” people would happily pay for good enough solutions that don’t have advertising and don’t sell your data to others. That’s how the Internet used to work.
But most successful services get bought out by bigger ones, with shareholders and growth targets. At which point covering your costs stops being the goal
If you’ve got so many users on your instance(s) that it’s costing you $4k pcm (and however many tens of thousands of dollars he claims to have spent so far) and you need to solicit money from your users/community, this is not “decentralised”
@Ailantd@cstross there was a fantastic thread on Twitter, back in the day, inviting people to post/rant about what they found most annoying/inaccurate in portrayals of their profession in TV and movies. It was hilarious and informative at the same time
The one that stuck in my mind was an anaesthetist railing against the movie practice of knocking people out with an ether soaked rag, and them surviving
The #fediverse has a problem, and I’m going to be very unhelpful in not having an idea how to fix it.
Once an instance gets popular, it’s processing, storage and traffic costs get prohibitive for the people running it.
I regularly see reports of #mastodon instances shutting down because the admins can no longer afford the hosting costs. This will only be worse when #pixelfed and #loops spin up.
@GossiTheDog good call. I appreciate that it seemed like a good idea at the time (it's one of the reasons I came to this instance), but it's obviously a toxic relationship to be in now
@ISO8601@GossiTheDog we’re having similar issues with Teams Voice call records. They always behaved weirdly, taking their time to appear in Graph, then continuing to get updates for hours or days after the call finished.
Since late last year, though, we’re seeing delays of many hours on the initial call record appearing on Graph. It makes realtime CQ and AA monitoring and alerting impossible.
Chaotic Neutral↣Lawful Evil, depending on caffeine intake. Sometimes a bit snarky. Does telecoms/networks/datacentre at a large East Midlands university for $dayjob. Obsessive music fan, sometime videogamer, lapsed tabletop gamer"Weirdly disjointed" - DJDarrenProud #UCU memberFully paid-up 6music Dad