@aulia@mastodonmigration I am LoranJohnHayden on mstdn.ca and loran_hayden here...why can I not use one username/address on all the "fediverse" why are some "mastodon" and others are whatthefuck.io?
@Infoseepage@benroyce The population of Greenland is, predominantly, indigenous and their "independence" movement is, actually, subject to financial coercion from MAGA/MUSK, so we'd best not ignore their grievances with Denmark. They're willing to forego one colonizer for another if they're offered the right bribes - what they need to be aware of is Trump's past record of paying his debts and abuse of what he sees as underlings.
@Gargron I began using the internet when there wasn't an internet and you had to keep a dozen floppies on hand in case you needed to reinstall windows 3.x
@persagen the thing about filthy rich white guys that fascinates me is that they are all either virulent racists or virulently anti-racist. It's like they go to different country clubs, have different riding clubs and stable managers, even separate ^ahem* big titty dimbo spokespeople. 🙂
@WarnerCrocker If push polls are real then why should we trust any poll that has not called out their competitors for running push polls? Why has Abacus not called out Angus Reid - until they begin self-regulating why should we trust them? #Canada#cdnpoli#Angusreid