Microsoft 365 is a master class in bad UI/UX. Just unbelievable. You could write a whole textbook entirely using examples of bad design from this software suite. Impressively dismal.
@fifonetworks is the first part of the string just alphanumeric? Google allows characters like "+" and "." that route to the same place (e.g. and yourname+randomletters@gmail are the exact same as yourname@gmail) but some sanitization checks don't allow those
I've had @j2kun 's "A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics" on my shelf for probably three years now and finally have found time during my PhD to read it and WOW, highly recommend, even just for a recap of concepts like eigenvectors, graph theory, gradient descent, etc. Incredible that this is a self-published "written on nights and weekends" book - it's better than most textbooks I've had 💪 I only wish I'd found it sooner! #math#programming#computerscience#academia
@hrheingold I had a very wise, elderly art history teacher once who told us that in his 40-year-career, the most profoundly unknowable question a student ever asked him about an artwork was: "are they putting the flowers in, or taking them out?"
Re-introduction post because I moved instances! I'm entering my 4th year as a PhD student in computer science, with a focus on visualization of high-dimensional data in biological contexts and an interest in explainable machine learning. I'm also an emergent media artist; I love building interactive installations and data sculptures.
I'll be a moderator here on, an offshoot of, also with a focus on #DataVisualization, but more open to off-topic content. Hello world 👋
@jackmjenkins "The Woman Who Rides Like A Man" by Tamora Pierce - I loved her books as a teenager (especially the Song of the Lioness books) so I'm rereading them this summer and it's a lovely throwback 🥰 I can't believe these havent been made into an epic fantasy TV series yet. Pierce really knows how to write female protagonists
@kaia It's probably not very expensive, if they're all used phones anyway. Meta dumps a lot of money into measurement research and fingerprinting to catch device spoofing & bots, so Selenium might not really cut it. Users of apps like that give away a lot of privacy rights, and Meta uses all of that data to confirm the user agent actually matches the source device. Some sites also blocklist common VPN IP ranges, so using a cheap mobile plan might be better if account longevity is a high priority
@Techaltar the Pixel 4a was the best phone I ever had. I got the Pixel 6 when it came out, and two years after I bought it, it one day just bricked itself randomly and never turned back on again (you can search "Pixel 6 Bricked" to see that this is a widespread problem with no apparent solution or even response from Google). I'm not sure what happened but ever since the 5 it seems that their phones have been all downhill, and you'll see a lot of posts about people downgrading to older models :(