@sun In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."
do you know of any of /our guys/ (or adjacent) who cover this in-depth?
>The science community wished to conduct research on the skeleton, and asserted he was only distantly related to today's Native Americans and more closely resembled Polynesian or Southeast Asian peoples, a finding that would exempt the case from NAGPRA.
>Technology for analyzing ancient DNA had been improving since 1996, and in June 2015 scientists at the University of Copenhagen published a study of the Kennewick Man's sequenced genome, which found he belonged to a population ancestral to contemporary Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest, including the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, who inhabit the region where his bones were found.[5] In September 2016, the US House and Senate passed legislation to return the remains to a coalition of Columbia Basin tribes. The Ancient One was buried according to Indian traditions on February 18, 2017, with 200 members of five Columbia Basin tribes in attendance, at an undisclosed location in the area.[6] Within the scientific community since the 1990s, arguments for a non-Indian ancient history of the Americas, including by ancient peoples from Europe, have been losing ground in the face of ancient DNA analysis.[7] Kennewick Man symbolically marks an "end of a [supposed] non-Indian ancient North America".[7] https://wikiless.tiekoetter.com/wiki/Kennewick_Man?lang=en
@nobullyplz@mushroom_soup while phonics is the way to go, one has to wonder about how much of the decline in reading ability is due the the country becoming browner and lower IQ
If you take a screenshot of a Tweet or a news article, then add the link to the screenshot:confederateflag: BANTS1 Timothy 2:12Check my pinned post for links to interesting websites18 July 1290 was a good day#nobot