@creamqueen@menherahair@georgia SP's new weren't too expensive either $100. But those were a game changer back in the day over the original AGB-001 model systems. I don't own an SP anymore but i do have 3 modded AGB-001 systems that are backlit. I got a 4th console that's a motherboard only for the moment i just repaired I just need to get a screen and shell and buttons to make it work again.
@creamqueen@georgia My family wasn't necessarily rich. The original DS wasn't that expensive $150. I got mine with christmas money that relatives and my parents pooled in and got SM64DS with it. I kinda regretted early adopting it though because the thing had an insane game drought in 05 until Advance Wars Dual Strike came out that summer.
@mangeurdenuage@coolboymew j'ai besoin de remplacer ma fournaise à l'huile. ça va me coûter environ de $11,000 USD. j'ai déjà payer pour la fournaise mais elle reste dans mon sous sol désinstallée. mais le technicien l'installera bientôt. pour l'instant j'ai toujours de chauffage chez moi avec ma vielle fournaise mais elle est en mauvaise condition.
@mangeurdenuage@coolboymew je passe la majorité de mon temps chez moi. Je sors la maison rarement. Des gens sont trop dérangés à l'ère présent. Tout cela dit je me douche au quotidien.
@coolboymew@milk Sadly it only works with the phat models because the slim model had the bay removed for hard drive compatibility. Legitimately the HDD bay was mostly used for this and Final Fantasy 11 but most people nowadays just use a FCMB memory cardand use the HDD with OPL to play disc backups.
@coolboymew@milk sadly I only got a slim model. I did get it for free though but it needed work to run again. Needed to repair the power jack since the solder joints for it cracked and the console wouldn't reliabily power on and the disc tray ribbon I had to take down with kapton tape to stop it from scratching discs.
I planned on selling it and just at somepoint I may get a phat model ps2 if I can find one for a good price.
@coolboymew@troubledturtle@AWIVR@milk It kind of reminds me of the Dreamcast with it's web browser discs. It was a game console at heart but it could surf the web like webTV did back in the late 90's.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad@mangeurdenuage@cbrooklyn112 `Prices won't go down until there a correction on the free money printer running and immigration is under control creating an artificial boom on housing demand.
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