@jae@ins0mniak@j I paosted it, but then it turns out it was fine: `iptables -F` doesn't do the same thing as `iptables --table nat -F`, because "Just fucking wipe the whole thing" doesn't mean shit to the NAT table because it has to be two tables because fuck everyone that thinks they can just walk up to a computer and attempt to use it.
> Idk tho man, they used to really set the agenda in terms of what got radio access and such.
You still need a UPC to get onto Spotify and unless you get the label's blessing, you don't get promoted: you need someone to screw you over for money if you want to get money.
> Might be my personal tastes as a bias but I say good riddance.
Yeah, the radio sucks. I haven't listened in a long time; I don't know how MKULTRA stays plugged into that stuff (Youtube, probably), but I think he's been my main exposure to popular music in recent years.
@PurpCat@dcc@ins0mniak I was barely plugged into popular music *in* the 90s and I have only gotten worse; I had no idea that Linkinback Against the Park was a girl now.
D.H. Peligro OD'd on fentanyl, though, which is some shit right there.
@PurpCat@dcc@ins0mniak I should have picked a different band but Rage Against the Machine is the perfect illustration of some dickheads posing as the face of a movement that would, if it were serious and successful, result in the record label execs being lined up against the wall. Those record label execs sold Rage Against the Machine albums because they want to cover the segments of the market that were not buying AC/DC and Metallica or Snoop or whoever else was in the Top 40 back then.
No, it's worse now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bZ0OSEViyo . He has some other commentary about why music stagnated (record labels have gotten too reliant on post-production tools and thus the bands are just faces and the songs are all written by the same guys that wrote the chart-toppers in the 90s and then beatdetective'd/autotuned until they sound like a drum machine.)
One interesting bit from that video is that now Spotify is AI-generating music based on what is popular.
> I mean you can buy socks at the mall you cant go there for your rebellion.
Luckily, there is a new crop of teenagers every year and they are all willing to believe that their consumption patterns will change the world.
Adults do this too. My favorite one recently was when all of the Nascar motherfuckers got mad at Bud Light and switched beers...to other beers also produced by AB InBev.
The point was that a major record label is willing to sell you anything, same shit with a different skin, even if that skin says "The record label is terrible!" Motherfuckers getting rich selling Che shirts aren't mad that they are selling a commie icon to teenagers that hate capitalism: they are making money selling Che shirts.
Alt of a @p@freespeechextremist.com , if you even believe that.If I'm posting here, it's usually because FSE is down. FSE is down for a while, here's what's happening: https://shitposter.club/objects/19a96a25-67f3-466f-bbed-aab2fba66226 , https://shitposter.club/objects/abfe062f-6f43-4d15-93ab-903f823ccf2b .I am working on Revolver: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/status.html (Also the blog is down right now. Hilarious!)