@BowsacNoodle@Wormwood Look at the number of Catholics either rationalizing they could ignore the Pope (Although Vatican 1 says they can't and they have to obey his regular teachings also) and of the ones outright leaving.
@sun@Kyonko802@djsumdog It may help, but replacing God with nofap goes a little too far. I mainly want to escape from Internet porn, because it is a waste of time. Also the person most enthusiastic about it I know IRL is a huge asshole.
> There’s publicity the other way: sexual dysfunction scares, loss of motivation, preferring virtual porn to real girls, YourBrainOnPorn.com and various internet subcultures, but these movements don’t actually stop people from using. Logically speaking they should, but the simple fact is they don’t. Even the health risks listed from peer-reviewed studies on YourBrainOnPorn.com aren’t enough to stop an adolescent from starting.
> Ironically, the most powerful force in this confusion is the user themselves. It’s a fallacy that users are weakwilled or physically weak people. You have to be physically strong in order to cope with an addiction after you know it exists. Perhaps the most painful aspect is that they place themselves as unsuccessful losers and insufferable introverts. It’s likely that a friend could be more interesting in person if they hadn’t put themselves down for seeking self-pleasure.
Wasn't Asscreed Doublenigger supposed to be the release of the year? That one game everyone was waiting for. Maybe I haven misunderstood Ubishit correctly.
What a piece of shit. Its all random pagan imagery clobbered together without rhyme and reason following Anger's schizophrenia. I probably have travel to Hypoboria by Meth pipe and talk to Yakub himself to understand the plot since I don't see any. I can't believe plebbitors and boomers fell for that bullshit.
@sun All those suggestions suck. Except 3. 3 is already policy on many platforms. Also chat control was snagged by the EU court last time I heard about it.