@HebrideanHecate This is the women who decided to stir up the comments on Laura's substack. She's written books in favour of the bill. She's a writer for the Telegraph. She's an activist. She obviously can't stand to let other opinions be voiced.
@polarisera@FeartnTired It's a tea towel, haha! Bristol and Bath were centres of Suffragette activity, and you can find suffragette stuff on sale - especially at the Georgian House Museum shop in Bath.
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Yep those uppity women need to go back to the kitchen and knock out a baby every year. "Kirche, Kuche, Kinder". Most aggressive men's "rights" movement we've ever faced. Good thing there's so few of the idiots.
Of course it's only a tiny snapshot, and they could've already had MH issues before their surgery (in which case, how come it didn't solve their problems)?🤔
It's good that they admit it, it might make their health professionals realise that the surgical route is harmful, not helpful.
More disturbing is that in the latest monthly magazine for the whole Trust area, an interview with one of them had the artwork credited to a 12-YR-OLD GIRL, who has been brainwashed by her mother that this is all about glitter & rainbows.
@HebrideanHecate@FeartnTired They were placed in so-called "sheltered" housing. I knew of a notorious one in Bristol in the 1990s. It only had a manager in an office for a couple of hours on weekday mornings, so for the rest of the time the residents fended for themselves. (Some of them MIGHT have been with it enough to get visits from their social workers).
There were two suspicious deaths there over the Christmas period when no staff were on. Local drug dealers knew exactly when the residents had their latest prescription drugs deliveries. The caretaker lived in an adjoining flat, and was trading their prescription meds (including heavy duty depressants) in gay clubs, where they could be used during sex. Nobody would shop him, because as a council worker he had the job for life, and was in a position of power over the residents - he could refuse to let them in or out, for example, This is what "Care in the Community" looked like for those people.
@HebrideanHecate Let's hope the Montana laws (if they stick) are copied by many other States. Because all the measures in Trump's EOs to protect women and children are great, but getting knobs or false boobs out in front of kids EVERY DAY is what these men do even when they're walking round the Supermarket. Loopholes which allow them to say "but I'm transsssssss" have to be closed.
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