As much as I hate zionism and the state of Israel for being a fraud of a nation. Children should never be fodder for war, in past times, ancient times men fought war on the field of battle, even based Europeans made uniforms for us to distinguish ourselves. But WW1 brought savagery back into war when the use of chemical weapons and the killing of civillians became an okay thing. Napoleon and other rulers/generals before him were right about rules of engagement.
The Southern US average soldier, the ones demonized by the modern American leftist was a million times more civilized than this. The confederacy fought honorably for states rights against the northern agressors.
No the fight was over states rights. Yes the southerners were in the wrong for owning slaves, it put normal working farmers out of work because how can you complete with slave labor? And they were importing the Africans here which didn't belong here and would later bring HUGE problems.
However Lincoln had no right try to act like a facist dictator, telling them what to do. The constitution of the US does not give the President king powers, although they have been trying to tack those on over the years.
Just watched the trailer, if it's as good as the latest GOTG I'm down. I generally despise modern hollywood and their shitty franchises but I'll take yer word on it.
Tree rings are legit, ice core rings can be misinterpreted though. Radiocarbon dating is a faulty method because our atmosphere hasn't reached Carbon 12 equilibrium yet. Plus they use the stupid "geologic column" (which is a joke) to date things if the radio carbon dating is off. There is no definative way to date anything that is truly accurate.
Wow, don't you have Mel Gibson as your pfp? He's a christian too you know. Also you're retarded for believing the earth is billions of years old and that you came from a monkey. I'm made in the image of God, I'm not a dirty nigger monkey like you.
I believe in a young earth and the creation account of the book of Genesis. It's a christian belief, because Christ's geneology is carefully recorded in the Bible, all the way back to Adam, the first man. If you add up all the lifespans it amounts to roughly 6600 years.
Do me a favor just find a cute virgin in Greece and just stay there. Don't ever bring her to America, this toxic culture man. My dad's current wife is divorcing him now, because she got a dose of Murica and wants to live here now indepedent, and have a job so she can support the extended family back in the Flip island. I'm so sick of this shit man...
I've heard countless stories like this. These foids really don't love men, they just want benefits of marriage, the security, fixing things around the house. Do you how many dudes I hear about that work 50-60 hours a week and they haven't sex with their wives in months, sometimes years. It's a fucking tragedy man....
The vast majority of these vile creatures initiate the divorce, tear up the families and pursue the man's assets. Then they go cry online about "where have all the good men gone", "why is dating post divorce sooo hard", "its so expensive to live, I don't want to work so much anymore".
Bitch you're damaged goods, no man wants to be captain save a hoe, no man wants the burden of raising another man's kids. And if you do find one you probably won't respect him, will browbeat him and nag him and demand perfection out of him and eventually leave him too.
You are only good for recreational use, that is why men don't want to commit to you. You are a walking red flag.
Women STOP LEAVING YOUR MEN. You are a not a boss babe independant woman, you're a childish devil that spit on the sanctity of marriage and broke your vows. And you have the audacity, THE AUDACITY, to expect another man to come along and fix your life up and clean up your mess. You get WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!!!
From what I understand they fired the faggot. I still can't believe he chose a life of a faggotry over that beautiful wife and son. A special spot in hell will be reserved for him...
The only ones doing good have their main hustle outside of Jewtube, jewtube just generates interest. Just solely depending on ad $$ is silly. All the good creators I know have a side business, rumble, parters they shill on video, or patreon and or sell merch, or things related to what they talk about.
I for one actually like Trump, I just wish he would take a harder stance against Israel. That's all honestly, and I will admit he was bit of a womanizer, and I don't normally have a problem with that, but he would sexualize Ivanka, encourage her modeling and posing nude, and I thinks thats a trash move for a father with a pretty daughter.
Yeah I was looking for the vid you posted with the dudes shooting ballistics at ear target and you posted this and the gore shot like a gorilla times lol.