@rasmusfleischer Do they mean music that doesn’t sound AI-generated? Or music that doesn’t sound electronic at all? Or music with a singer who sounds human?
@lookitmychicken Same here! New half-terrace half-corridor half-balcony zones along a quiet meadow, connecting a forgotten OTHER apartment; sprawling cellars with secret passages and cell-like rooms in rough concrete; the downstairs apartment being unoccupied and sometimes underwater with fish living in it…
@HauntedOwlbear Most 8-bit text adventures were pretty rough… but Infocom and Magnetic Scrolls had a reputation as being in a class of their own. They also came with pretty fun manuals that showcased how to play them…
I think half the frustration with the better sort of text adventure stems from players trying to get by with the most broken English possible, assuming that’s how it works.
No getting all the bottles from the bar except for the bottle of whiskey. No it, them, then, and… so sad.
Granted I’m more attuned to TADS and Inform than the first wave classics.
Hello! I want to live on the heath as a legit heathen without a soul around for 1000 miles but also make elektromusik, not worry about food, have clean running water (hot and cold), and find the love(s) of my life. S I G H !The truth doesn’t care about your feelings, but not everything that hurts is true.Animals don’t belong in death factories.Private property for all. (Akshully, I despise slogans and the death of nuance, doubt and variety they bring.)Identity markers shouldn’t be confused for political camps.That it would be nice if (thing) didn’t exist doesn’t necessarily give you, or anyone, the moral right to ban it.If it ends in -ist I’m usually not it.Atticus Finch: still my hero.Don’t let the right own free speech. Don’t antagonise people who don’t use your particular jargon. Intent matters.Good people are always so sure they’re right – Barbara Graham, murdererAll of my opinions are my employer’s.Non patimini illos bastardos pessum atterere vos.