Here's a text (in Swedish) on the council communist tradition, written last year for the Swedish magazine OEI. It's largely based on Felix Klopotek's book Rätekommunismus, and it makes the point that we should distinguish between "councilism" (as the idealization of a historical form of organization) and "council communism" (as a kind of critique of the possible organizational forms within capitalism).
The text also discusses the concept of "prefigurative politics", broadly characteric of anarchism, trying instead to think what could be meant with an "inverted prefiguration".
Sad to hear about the passing of media historian Jonathan Sterne (@jonathansterne), author of books like "The audible past" and "MP3: The meaning of a format". His MP3 book was certainly an inspiration for our Spotify book (and more generally for the critique of today's digital media landscape). I also wrote a theoretical critique of the way Sterne (as well as others) used the concepts of commodity and commodification. But never met him.
"It is not just that people making AI slop are spamming the internet, it’s that the intended “audience” of AI slop is social media and search algorithms, not human beings. ... there is a near total collapse of the information ecosystem and thus of 'reality' online."
@ahltorp The relation between Grieg and Debussy is an interesting one. I totally feel the relation. Anyway, it's rather the younger Debussy being influenced by older maestro Grieg.
It wasn't yesterday I was impressed by a recorder player (myself being a mediocre yet educated one) but hearing Modo Antiquo's recording of Antonio Vivaldi's early works, specifically that RV 52 sonata in F major... wow! The microtiming in the ornamentation! (Whatever we say about the mixing of the record.)
Possibly unpopular opinion: I still think Vivaldi is among the greatest. And that the recorder can be a great instrument 🙂
When it comes to written music for solo piano, I must confess that I think that: 1) Edwards Grieg's "Bryllupsdag på Troldhaugen" is the best piece written; 2) the best interpretation of "Bryllupsdag på Troldhaugen", as far as I've heard, is this one by Mogens Dalsgaard: 🇳🇴 💍 🇩🇰 I maybe should add that I do not hold the piano as an instrument very high, relative to other instruments, nor written music relative to other musics. And that there were a few others who also wrote fucking great tunes for solo piano (primarily Beethoven, Debussy and Bartók).
"One reason that was given for the Indian left’s ‘tendency’ to measure the USA and Russia by different yardsticks was a stated preference for what used to be called ‘multipolarity’ over ‘unipolarity’. For some of us, the nature of global Capital made this hair-splitting between ‘multi’ and ‘uni’ seem always a bit abstracted from actual reality, but the Indian ‘left’s’ fascination with metaphysics would have it otherwise. But even given this fealty towards a metaphysical understanding of geo-politics - now that the world has finally realised the long cherished ‘unipolar’ fantasy of a Russian puppet ensconced in the White House, why shy away, at least now, from a critique of ‘actually existing unipolarity’."
Interview with two members of the Endnotes collective, by the Chuang collective: "about the history of Endnotes, the context of its interventions into left debates, and clarifications about some of the articles"
@askkatzeff@malte A couple of years ago, Musk no doubt used a lot of ketamine, according to himself as well as other sources. But is it certain that he is still on it? He could also have found some other drug of choice. And if he'd been on ketamine constantly for years, at this point he would likely have developed serious urination problems.
People also say that he is on anabolic steroids. Musk's increasingly bizarre body shape is said to be characteristic of somebody taking hormones without really exercising.
"US/Russia make 'deal'; Ukraine rejects it, Euros too; US withdraws support to Ukraine, Russia advances; Europeans panic & deploy greater & more direct aid to Ukraine; US withdraws from Eastern flank of NATO, Russia invades Baltics; US refuses to honor Article 5, NATO implodes. Plausible, sadly."
"Can MAGA survive in power? Given the mishmash of various interests, there is certainly potential for enduring crackups. ... anti-wokeness as a political force is now effectively spent. ... Without the common enemy of “wokeness” ... binding various factions together, we can expect more fissures." David Walsh: "Trump’s Bid at a New Fusionism"