@skinnylatte Do you know about Freestyle Photo in Hollywood yet? I used to buy film there before I went 100% digital. Their retail store on Sunset east of the 101 is worth a visit when you're in L.A. https://www.freestylephoto.com/
@ryanc@domi What about stress-ng? My experience with memtest86 is that it's not very sensitive to the kinds of RAM issues you might encounter in overclocking. stress-ng and even Prime95 are better at exercising the whole memory subsystem.
He/him/his. Aging cis male #nerd, counting down to retirement in the heart of Silicon Valley. Using the Internet socially since 1984 (really!). Fair weather #cyclist. #Musician. Wannabe #RaceTraitor and #Antifascist. #TransRights advocate. Many boosts. Occasionally, original thoughts.Avatar photo: Balding white man wearing a rainbow face mask.Header photo: A banner reading “FUCK OFF FASCISTS” on the side of a building in Portland, OR (I think) during the George Floyd protests.