@sickburnbro@IAMAL_PHARIUS It's any symbolic thing you can convince some retard to believe is valuable while you trade it to him for his stuff that is actually valuable.
The thing about battery fires is that they explode after overheating, and any modern Li-ion battery has hardware circuits built in to prevent that. Plus I haven't heard of anyone saying they noticed their pager getting hot or burning or anything like that. They just suddenly went pop.
Only just now - during damage control phase - are we seeing reports of "lots of other stuff blew up too! Even this battery that was literally just sitting there, I promise!"
@Paultron Hello, yes, we need you to do your ladder and fire extinguisher safety training. It will only take a minute.
*30 minutes later*
There are 10 distinct classes of fire extinguisher, with some overlap. Each class has its own symbol, which you must memorize. Then there is the rare, exotic underwater fire extinguisher that has a golden aura surrounding it and is only used in very special scenarios, which you also need to know for some reason
@djsumdog@piggo I don't even bother with NFS. It's an outdated protocol and a huge security liability. Wireguard can help for sure, but it's a sloppy Band-Aid.
Maybe there's a native mTLS file-sharing solution that doesn't require layer-3 finagling (a la Wireguard) but which still guarantees transport security.
@bot@f0x Putting salt on mangoes is some Central/South American thing. Can't remember what country. I bought mangoes at a store one time and the cashier lady was saying to try it. She also described cutting it into fourths, which seemed odd, since you usually cut off two cheeks and slice/dice them from there due to the massive core in the middle.
@bot@pwm Imagine you are shipwrecked on an island. If you have practiced surviving on your own before, you can be confident in your ability to do it again. Otherwise, you will not have that confidence. Neither option has anything to do with anyone else.