If you want NFS encryption, that can be a pain. I don't know if any of these NAS operating systems will setup Kerberos (required for NFS encryption) but I've set up a wireguard network between my NAS and everything that needs access to storage, and restrict NFS to that network. It only runs internally in my house, separate from my external Wireguard/VPN that goes to my hosting solution.
It's way easier than NFS encryption, and probably just as secure. I would run benchmarks to compare the two, but I never even got NFS+Kerberos working. :blobcatgooglyshrug:
Yea I used sshfs for some things too but NFS ended up being faster more reliable. NFS+wireguard really helps with disconnection and "stale handle" issues. sshfs still operates in userland/FUSE and is so slow (even with 10Gb connections).
There's one Windows machine I still export some Samba stuff for, but I hope to get rid of it this fall.
@djsumdog@piggo I don't even bother with NFS. It's an outdated protocol and a huge security liability. Wireguard can help for sure, but it's a sloppy Band-Aid.
Maybe there's a native mTLS file-sharing solution that doesn't require layer-3 finagling (a la Wireguard) but which still guarantees transport security.