The DNC was going to nominate Biden without primary contest, then declare Biden unfit or fatally accident / maim him, then simply name his replacement since the convention's already over.
So the DNC offered Trump a debate, but with impossibly unfair terms. Trump did not negotiate, "Agreed." What the DNC wanted was Trump to have refused to debate so they could claim Biden wanted to debate but Trump refused. Then they said, "Ok, we also demand this, that, and the other," and Trump said, "Agreed."
The DNC was taken completely by surprise, the AI had not predicted this from the Master of The Art of the Deal in a million years—statistical probability zero.
Now, the DNC has to dump Biden before the nomination, opening up the field for candidates to contest each other.
Biden has been exposed as a liar by attacking Trump with accusatory stories like Charlottesville that even the most underinformed of the public knows were debunked as much as seven years ago, tarnishing the reputation of not just the Democrat party but also the media for its reporting;
the DNC has been exposed as lying for hiding Biden's mental debilitation;
Biden's failures in his presidency have been laid bare for the whole world to see from the debate;
The DNC must now expend money on a primary, money originally all slated for running against Trump;
possible Democrat candidates will now attack each other through ads and debates while vying for nomination.
Trump is going to go golfing smelling like a rose while the Democrat Party tears itself to pieces.
"We're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning!"
@alex All I know about it is it was created to promote crypto especially bitcoin. When the dollar empire is destroyed, the CCP will be in charge. This is the fight we’re in.
So while NOSTR may be the best protocols, its intention is to destroy the USA.
@alex I already wrote in a message that no one can live without markdown and I don’t want to die. I can only assume you’ve read that and are wishing death upon me.
@alex Is there a way to turn off line consolidation in posts? For example, each of these sentences is composed on its own line. Is there a way to stop the lines from catenating when posting?
@amerika@alex You must be assuming Alex is being sarcastic if you associate ‘too woke’ with ‘boomers’. If a boomer agrees with woke they just don’t give a rat’s behind and/or are only listening to humor you.
Hippies went into the woods and started communes with wood ploughs and proved, “From each according to ability—to each according to need,” didn’t work on humans. Hippies fought the establishment, the corrupt system. A hippie couldn’t care less what color you are or what your sexual deviations might be.
Wokies thrive on comfort and technology. Their plans for when the kinetic war starts do not in any way involve disconnection from the system, the machine, the oligarchy they serve. Long live the AI internet. Wokies embrace the system and want everything and everyone to be the system. A wokie is far more concerned with why you’re different than them than how you’re the same.
Hippies are old liberalism, now called Libertarianism. Wokies are old communism, now called Surveillance Capitalism.
WinRed needs to stop making every donation recurring. WinRed makes every donation recurring even though you check all the fine print on every page and in every window and tell them not to.
Every Republican candidate uses WinRed, and none seem to have any way to contact their offices.
I once said I would donate to someone but it was through WinRed and got online responses that seemed to indicate not much of the donation actually gets to the candidate. I don’t know if that means WinRed sucks up 80% for operating costs or if that means the candidate and WinRed each get 20% and 60% goes into the GOP coffers.
This stops the poor and destitute from donating.
If I’m not going to eat for a couple of days because I’d rather not live in a communist country, that’s my preference, but it is not up to WinRed to turn that two days into four days or more by making all donations recurring.
If most of the money goes to WinRed Corporation, well that just sucks.
Know the only thing worse than WinRed sucking up the money? Giving any portion of the money to the GOP. Mitch McConnell is diverting money, as we speak, from America First candidates to candidates opposing Trump-endorsed America First candidates.
For example, McConnell just pulled money from other America First candidates and gave seven million to Lisa Murkowski to oppose America First Kelly Tshibaka.
If WinRed didn’t automatically force all payments to be recurring and I could donate, it wouldn’t help if the GOP (through Mitch) gave more money to Murkowski than Tshibaka. Murkowski is anti-2A and consistently votes everything woke, including VAWA and BSCA. I watch them, and I would be donating to the exact opposite of who I want to donate to.
None of these candidates are doing themselves a favor by using the corrupt WinRed.
Alex is being facetious, not about Gleasonator being a better choice if you prefer conversation to the n-word being repeated as though it’s funny to do so (that gets old in a few seconds), and not to be barraged with a bunch of images of voluptuous underaged Japanese cat-girls, he’s just being facetious that we’re all transphobic.
I’m here and neither fear nor look upon trans people with disgust.
Ok, trans-groomers, I dislike.
Ok, trans-to-destroy-women’s-sports, I dislike.
Ok, trans-for-social effect poofing their wigs with peckers hanging out of their miniskirts, I dislike.
Ok, trans that declare their weirdness to anyone in my family, I dislike.
Ok, trans just because you’ve reached a time of life when you’re no longer producing testosterone, I dislike.
But the rest are fine. Until I think of something else I don’t like about them.
My point is just that I’m on Gleasonator and am not transphobic.
If Keffals goes against you? Because, from the outside, it looks like Keffals took KiwiFarms off CloudFlare. And you know Keffals is really a dude, so... (so, nothing else).