@es0mhi Thank you for your encouragement. No, I don't have savings as I always sailed around subsistence level. Should push come to shovel, my family might help a bit, but who likes to do that? But I already feel better now. It's a constant juggling with various agancies & their demands & how to get all aligned. But I learn and today I got another piece of the puzzle moving. Things will get better and one day I'll be back at my desk to read and write -- provided the war doesn't interfere first.
Alle kotzen über Merz, über die CDU/CSU und die FDP. Aber wo ist die Aufregung über das BSW, das die Annahme der Resolution hätte verhindern können? Das widerwärtige Taktieren von Sahra Wagenknechts neo-stalinistischer Gruppe ist wesentlicher Teil des "Dammbruchs". Aber das linke Milieu hält natürlich das Maul, passt ja auch nicht zum Feindbild.
@Mastodon May I ask for some help? All my notices on Mastodon in HomeTL and Notificatins TL are gone, only starting again with posts of the last past 7 hours, What happened and can I get them back?
All my notices on Mastodon in HomeTL and Notificatins TL are gone, only starting again with posts of the ölast past 7 hours, What happened and how can I get them back?
All my notices on Mastodon in HomeTL, and Notificatins TL are gone, only starting again with posts of the ölast past 7 hours, What happened and how can I get them back? (Notice on Profile are there.) #support#help
@GRA3432@mondoweiss If the allegations prove trure, he is a member of a death cult. (Like pretty much all "Palestinians" undergoing jihadist indoctrination in UNRWA schools.) So he's no hero but a perpetrator.
@david You may try substitute refined sugar with xylitol which barely raises blood sugar and is recommened for people with cardiometabolic diseases. It helped me not only to break my sugar addiction but also my craving for carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (pasta etc.).
I am a dishwasher, cleaner, lavatory attendant. Late at night, when the restaurant crew has left, the latrine faerie and I sing dirty duets.This is an archive and backup account. You can find me at @simsa03